Wow, I've spent at least four hours using this advice to try to restore my old skin settings from a regular backup and I'm totally amazed at how I can't figure out how to do a simple backup/restore.

I've tried the following on OpenElec and OSMC, Kodi 15 and 16, and even across multiple skins and the results are the same.. I see my beautiful old skin menu come up and last about a minute before it gets overwritten by the skin default settings.

Here's what I'm doing, which should be the sum total of all the internet advice I could find:

*) Stop kodi.service (or take out the SDRAM card and move it to a linux box
*) Completely rm -rf * the relevant skin directory (/storage/.kodi/addons/skin.___) and replace it with the version from the relevant backup folder
*) Replace guisettings.xml with guisettings.xml.restored
*) Restart kodi.service

I then get the one minute of old menu heaven before the settings get torn down in front of me.

Am I missing something? I'm pretty amazed at how hard it is to kill these zombie skin defaults despite my best efforts. I'm hoping there's some permissions magic or a secret folder/setting somewhere that will solve this messiness for me....

Messages In This Thread
RE: RETAIN SKIN SETTINGS AFTER RESTORE? - by BigSnicker - 2016-03-16, 16:07
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