Develop PVR addons with new cmake build system
.. nothing wrong, everything is behaving as it should.

to do standalone builds you have to pre-supply the kodi bindings and cmake helpers. make install of kodi does this, so does sudo apt-get install kodi-xxx-dev if you use the ubuntu ppa. you also need to supply kodi-platform for most addons.

you get those lib and share directories cause you do not set PACKAGE_ZIP. that changes the install format from a normal linux install (which you are seeing) to a scheme suitable for zip files. you can do 'make addon-package' and you'll get the addon zipped and ready for install in addon browser (for sticking in a repo).

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RE: Develop PVR addons with new cmake build system - by ironic_monkey - 2015-03-23, 10:43
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