Library loses TV Shows
Running 14.0 Kodibuntu on an ASUS Chromebox with all my files on my NAS. The library is the default setup, not in a separate MySQL database.

I've set up Kodi and added my Movies and TV shares via SMB to the NAS. The movies scraped just fine & populated the library. The TV Shows also scraped fine and added to the library. Occasionally, however, full seasons, or even full shows will disappear from the TV library.

For example, last night, I wanted to watch an older Mythbusters episode. I scrolled through the show listing to the Mythbusters cover, clicked select, and instead of seeing the listing of all 15 seasons, I saw the (flatten on one season) listing of shows from season 15 only. I backed up once to the show listing, clicked the "Info" button, scrolled around to the "refresh" button, selected it, selected "refresh all seasons", then "Ignore local" = "NO", gave it a minute or two to scan the network directory, and then all 15 seasons appeared. My daughter had it happen later yesterday evening with Downton Abbey. I've had it happen in the past with Top Gear and Star Trek (TOS).

I do not believe it is a scraping issue, as the library was aware that all 15 seasons were there last week when I went to watch last week's Mythbusters (and Top Gear), and it has all the information about all the episodes in local nfo files already. I've been running XBMC since my first install on an original hacked XBOX, so I understand the libraries, setting library contents and folder structure. This has only been an issue since I installed 14.0 and the Chromebox - a simultaneous event. I've been having sporadic issues with the TV library since then (around Nov '14), but have dealt with it via a library refresh on a show-by-show basis until now. On initial install, I did delete then recreate the TV library 2 or 3 times in an attempt to get it to fix the issue, but that didn't seem to have any impact on the situation.

I understand that 'occasional' errors are very hard to track down. Should I refresh all TV shows (individually) to ensure that the library is fully rebuilt, turn on debugging, reboot the Chromebox, and wait until a show/season is missing again then add the debug log here? Any other suggestions?
Anybody have any thoughts or suggestions?
Could it be a communication error between the NAS and the client? Or perhaps one of your HDDs is failing?

I ask because I had an HDD that was failing in my FlexRAID server, and I would have tvshows and movies disappear (this item is no longer in the library), only to reappear later. Replacing the culprit HDD fixed it for me. Just a thought...
Quick Links: debug log (wiki) | userdata (wiki) | advancedsettings (wiki) | adding videos to the library (wiki)
Appreciate the feedback. I usually do a pretty good job of monitoring the drives in my unRAID server. I'll run a SMART test on everything to see if there appear to be any issues. I'm not expecting to find anything wrong, though, as my issue is across all TV shows, scattered across 10 different drives. I suppose the issue could be with the drive in the Chromebox, but it is a brand new box with a brand-new 16GB mSATA drive. It could happen, I suppose.

I do need to do some network troubleshooting, but it sounds like we have different symptoms - sounds like yours was that Kodi thought there was an episode (in the library), but couldn't find it on the network. My issue is that Kodi has emptied the library for that show - nothing appears at all. When I tell it to refresh, it goes to the server and re-reads all the local .nfo files with no problem at all.

I will pursue your suggestions, though, just to be sure.

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Library loses TV Shows0