http source for kodi
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(2015-02-27, 01:24)nickr Wrote: Nothing to do with kodi, ask an apache forum!

Actually, I am asking what kind of format Kodi will take from http source so that it can get the file info such as Movie file size, etc.

It uses webdav afaik - its not parsing html ...
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(2015-02-27, 12:27)Memphiz Wrote: It uses webdav afaik - its not parsing html ...

Well, actually there are two types. Http source, and WebDav source, I tried both of them, and eventually I decided to use Http source because of the speed. it seems to me that http source is must faster for Kodi to scan the content.

By the way, I just want to mention the HTTP source works, the only concern i am having is how to add those File Info, such as file size, and modification date and those kind of meta data for Kodi to process.

I don't think the http source is as fully featured as, say, smb or nfs. Any reason not to use those?
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Looks like when I add new HTTP source, Kodi reads each file one by one to extract some additional information (not sure what - file size, tags? - I use HTTP source for audio - karaoke files) and the process takes a lot of time (with my ~3000 files). Hopefully, it will do it only once (when the source is added first time).

But is there any way to increase the speed of this process? For ex., by providing some additional information on the html page? disabling some options ('read mp3 tags')?
I tried to analyze HTTP source source ;) code -

Do I understand it correctly:
1) it deletes parameters from the URL (i.e. everything after ? sign);
2) it expects filename from the link equal to tag text (i.e. <a href="">filename.mp3</a>, and for ex., <a href="">filename2.mp3</a> will not work).
one vote for webdav as well, with http external subtitles dont work and it wont prefetch HD, SD flags etc
http source is used to scan folders with files with an automatic index from apache.
To allow so you can see sizes and dates , so you can sort etc.., you need to add a directory index option in apache in either htaccess or in apache the vhost config for the directory with the following two options..

IndexOptions FancyIndexing HTMLTable

Just tested it myself.. the trick was "HTMLTable" as the regex looks for the tr to parse for the date

reDateTimeApacheNewFormat.RegComp("<td align=\"right\">([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2}) ([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}) +</td>");

Without HTMLTable, its only one td in the formarted output from apache...

if you wanted to be 'boss' about it, i personally prefer without HTMLTable in my browser the formatting is cleaner... you could do this.. in your apache vhost (if your runnign a vhost) config.

<Directory "<full_path_of_your_dir>">
                <If "%{HTTP_USER_AGENT} =~ /^Kodi/">
                        IndexOptions FancyIndexing HTMLTable
                        IndexOptions FancyIndexing
                AllowOverride None

This will only apply the HTMLTable to the user-agent starting with "Kodi"

Hope this helps
- VeN

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