Tv Shows VOb format

I have a bunch of TV Shows (Grey's anatomy) that I would like to import into XBMC. Each season is a collection of .vob file. I have read the wiki on folder structure and filename ... but it seems i'm missing something
I don't think this is a bug or something, system is Pi2 with latest openlec.
I can play the file in the file list, but the episodes are not scrapped.

My structure:

TV Shows
|---> Grey's Anatomy
|---> Season 1

I have set the content to "TV Shows"

Can anyone point me in the right direction to get this to work?

Problem solved
For the ones who want to know:
I adapted my advancedsetting.xml file (see Wiki)

And applied following structure

TV Shows
|---> Grey's Anatomy
|---> S1e01e02e03e04
|----->All the file that are in VIDEO_TS folder,VOD, IFO, ... (no need for the VIDEO_TS folder)
|---> S1e05e06e07e08
|----->All the file that are in VIDEO_TS folder

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Tv Shows VOb format0