Kodi DSPlayer – DirectShow Player for Windows
i'm not the best qualified but from what i have been finding out doing my own.

reading the how to on madvr i noticed that Nvidia are the only cards to do auto switching of HDR.

if your just playing 4k then everything is fine, however if you want to add HDR you need every component in the chain to be able to send the HDR along the chain.

if your components are not 'HDR ready' and they dont have HDCP 2.2 then you wont get the HDR signal to switch the HDR on and off.

if you read the how to about madvr's HDR there are ways around it by using 'convert HDR...'

my nvidia 1050ti connected direct to the tv and madvr set to 'passthrough' for HDR the HDR on my tv switches on and off watching HDR content as both are HDR and HDCP 2.2 compliant. however if i put my AV amp in the chain then i dont get HDR to the tv as the amp is not HDR or HDCP 2.2 compliant.

i have tried to no avail as a workaround to get the video going to the tv via hdmi and the audio going to the amp via hdmi from the 1050ti. i have tried kodi, mpc-be, mpc-be+madvr, kodi-dsplayer+madvr, kodi+mpc-bc+madvr but still no audio. i have not tried with lav filters yet.

regarding your processor and memory, its fine as the 1050ti is doing the bulk of video and codec processing. make sure that the PCIe slot on your motherboard can support the 1050ti bus speed.

so the upshot is. you need every bit of hardware in the chain to be HDR and HDCP 2.2 compliant, this would include things like a projector, monitor, amp, GPU, tv, cables. if one of the items in not compliant then its going to break the chain. the confusing part is the term 4k, yes it might say 4k capable but if it dont say HDR and HDCP 2.2 then no HDR. my av amp is 4k capable but not hdr/hdcp2.2.

hope this helps.

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Kodi DSPlayer – DirectShow Player for Windows47