Help! Kodi crashed and can't startup again
I have joined the Kodi for Android beta & alpha testing pages, downloaded kodi and installed it on my Philips android tv.

I have used this for at couple of days now, and it has worked great.. Until today. When I started kodi, it crashed within a few seconds and now everytime I try to start kodi it just display a black screen or it just quits the program automatically. Can anyone help?
UPDATE: I have just cleared the cache and deleted all data. This made kodi able to startup again.

Can the problem be that the tv only has very very limited storage capacity, and when it can't store anymore it won't let kodi boot?

IF yes, are there anyway to make kodi safe all cache and data on a external hdd connected to the tv via USB cable? So that the tv stores the app it self, but everything else is stored on the external hdd?
I'm guessing that someone will be along any minute now to suggest that it's because of a blacklisted add-on you shouldn't be using...
Hmm i hardly added any add ons...

I am almost 100 % sure that the problem is that my tv's internal memory haven't godt the necessary capacity. I have tried the exact same thing 3 times now. I play around with kodi for a little while, and the cache data and data builds up. Then after some time i can't open kodi anymore until i clear the data, then it works fine again for a little while..

I really really hope someone can help me out here...
Try this: HOW-TO:Change settings folder for Android (wiki)
I dont know if any of you know this, but my external hdd directory is; /mnt/media/usb.A490E94F90E9288E/
Is that just the directory i need to use?

I have tried doing a advancedsettings.xml and it looks like this, but i do not know if it is correct?

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Help! Kodi crashed and can't startup again0