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XBMC Remote Interface for PSP (PlayStation Portable)
Thumbs Up 
I have PSP Interface 2.0 on my playstation portable and would love to be able to control my XBMC with it. I am able to connect and control my music from the psp, but had a couple problems with thumbnails. First off, I wasn't able to change music in Widnows Media Connect, it just turns off the currently playing song in XBMC. With Windows network sharing, I can change my music, but the album art on Xbox only changes to the default folder album art, and not the album art for that particular song, but it works when controlling it with the xbox control. Also the thumbnails in the PSP interface dont show up, do I have to add my thumbnails into the thumbnail folder in my psp? or does it automatically? Thanks for your help.
Quote:Get it from FILE FACTORY
Hope that works. Had packaged the previous with an unstable luaplayer (I keep a collection)

Text from readme
Any problems\requests\thanks\ flames here please.

Ability to listen to music and view picture?

"XBMC Remote Interface V0.5 Mod" by jonny2002 & trex6662k5
Previous versions named "XBMC Remote Music Interface" by jonny2002

This PSP program is the result of modifications and additions by trex6662k5
to the program "XBMC Remote Music Interface v0.2" by jonny2002

Majority of the code is still "jonny2002"'s and all the messy IF statements and variables are mine
Artwork is from the "Project Mayhem 3" XBMC skin by Mathias Mahling AKA ChokeManiac (

Some code also from Chaos ( tcount=12) who provided a shutdown button and function
Modifications were added to squash a bug ( stcount=29)
and also provided code to control volume ( tcount=17)

My code and methods arnt the best (4th day learning LUA) so feel free to make optimisations to the code
Also if you wish to add any features yourself feel free. I only request that you post them on a forum so
I can learn more about LUA

Changes and Additions since V0.2

-Ability to view and browse files and folders under Video and Pictures as well as Music
-Added ability to seek video
-Shows the currently playing video
-Shutdown and Volume controls provided by Chaos
-Playlist button is only enabled on the music screen
-Changed backgrounds to refect the current screen (my music, my video, my pictures and plain for WIFI)
-Bug in v0.2 which caused the now playing text not to scroll while playing a file until the time displayed is greater than 00:00

To be honest I cant remember see for yourself

Features that I will attempt to impliment
-Ability to start a slideshow, go previous picture, next picture etc.
-Fix the problems below
-Reconfigure controls for ease of use

Known problems
-Thumbnails. Due to recent updates in XBMC, thumbnails arnt send accross to the PSP. This is due to the change in folder structure
A fix is coming shortly which will allow music thumbnails to display as they should but also add the functionality to Video and maybe
pictures too (single pictures as well as slideshows). So im working on it.
-Pictures. Currently displayed picture and thumbnail (look above) is not displayed on the PSP. Working on a fix.
-Volume. When ajusting volume, values are not displayed on the xbox (I dont know why) or on the PSP (feature needs the function)

D-pad: navigate
Cross: select
Circle: back
Square: stop
Triangle: pause on/off
L-Trigger: previous media screen (Was previously skip to previous song)
R-Trigger: next media screen (was previously skip to next song)
Analog stick Left-Right: fast rewind/fast forward
Analog stick Up-Down: Increase Volume/Decrease Volume
Select: add to/delete from playlist
Start: enter "controller mode"

I had orginally posted this yesterday HERE
I was a blind ****, so can a mod delete that post please?
-= Double Post =-
I might provide an update due to some recent discoveries found.
Volume control is buggy. I find that if the PSP finds that the volume control value is not whats expected, it will flood the xbox with volume commands. Then its just a race between the Xbox and PSP to crash first due to a no memory error.

Im not sure if jonny2002 wanted to make things more complicated or XBMC didnt have the feature, but V0.2 found the filename of thumbnails by creating a CRC checksum on the path of the file.
Thats how XBMC calculated the file name and v0.2 expected thumbs to be located at:

XBMC provides a line called Thumb which provides a path to that thumbnail, so there should be no need to generate a CRC checksum on the PSP if the result is already there for you only making the PSP do more work.

Original post/thread
cool stuff.

about the thumbnails. we now store them in p:\userdata\thumbnails\<section>\<crcofpath>.tbn
Download Link Here
does this interface with the httpapi? it should be able to return the full thumb path. if not, it probably just needs a quick fix.

** edit **
ok, the httpapi seems to only be able to fetch "album" thumbnails. hmm... this will need some thought to add a generalized function that behaves more like how xbmc does. maybe it should be added to the "GetMediaLocation" function so that the thumb filename is returned for each item with the directory listing.
Always read the XBMC online-manual, FAQ and search the forum before posting.
Do not e-mail XBMC-Team members directly asking for support. Read/follow the forum rules.
For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first.
Hey dudes Kingjames pointed me in to this direction of the thread.
Dont worry I have fixed all the problems with thumbnails. By using getcurrentlyplaying I am able to get the path of the thumb if it exists and request for it to be downloaded, saved and displayed.

It doesnt just apply to album thumbnails BTW...I have tested it with films and pictures and I can safely say, it works.

The code is messy (and it does throw a few warnings in to the debug logs of XBMC) but I will resolve those problems and will neaten up the code once I fully decide what features I can sucessfully impliment in the program.
Thanks for your support, and thanks for XBMC!
Updated it, full notes and readme available on QJ Forums
I am really interested in this app and in fact concieved my current XBMC based home entertainment setup around controlling XBMC with a PSP (although through the web interface). I am interested in seeing the visual style of the AP, but I haven't yet invested in a PSP.

Any chance you could put some screens up?

Cheers mate, and thanks for sharing your work.

Quote:Any chance you could put some screens up?

HERE you go

Oh and dont expect the Remote Control screen to stay the same, I want to see wether I can get the xbox to send screenshots over to the 360 and have them displayed on the psp...2nd screen. Ill implement the same for pictures.

This is where ill be posting my updates from now
Hey Trek, I was always looking for updates on this program on the QJ forums.. I was the one with the wrong thumbnails showing up for my music on XBMC... this problem was never fixed.. right?? alright well im really looking forward to seeing where this goes..
Im still working on bits and pieces. Not to mention I have college and after college...lessons so during the week im not excactly at my programming peek.
Hey there, neat little app. Nice work

It really needs a page up/down or fast scroll feature though. Wink

Great little app

Few bugs tho (some nasties too)
The psp can randomly crash (ie turn off completely) after starting songs (experienced under musicdb:// bookmark while starting a song then navigating quickly down while its doing http stuff. I cant be sure its related though)
The xbox can loose video output (occurred on two separate xboxs one running 720p the other 480i) randomly yet audio works correctly and xbox is still responsive through the psp. I experienced this after changing songs under musicdb:// on the psp. Unfortunately the xbmc log provides nothing useful

17:25:41 M: 21413888   DEBUG: HttpApi Finished command: addtoplaylist
17:25:41 M: 21413888   DEBUG: webs: accept request
17:25:42 M: 21413888   DEBUG: XBMCHTTPShim: Received command addtoplaylist (musicdb://5/2/521/7429.mp3)
17:25:42 M: 21413888   DEBUG: HttpApi Start command: addtoplaylist  paras: addtoplaylist; musicdb://5/2/521/7429.mp3
17:25:42 M: 21413888   DEBUG: HttpApi Finished command: addtoplaylist
17:25:42 M: 21413888   DEBUG: webs: accept request
17:25:42 M: 21413888   DEBUG: XBMCHTTPShim: Received command addtoplaylist (musicdb://5/2/521/7423.mp3)
17:25:42 M: 21413888   DEBUG: HttpApi Start command: addtoplaylist  paras: addtoplaylist; musicdb://5/2/521/7423.mp3
17:25:42 M: 21413888   DEBUG: HttpApi Finished command: addtoplaylist

This issue seems isolated to this app. Other people using the httpapi don't seem to be affected. Any thoughts?

Some other bugs im sure your aware of,
Thumbnails are not working with v0.6 (tried changing the path in index.lua to userdata/music/thumbnails/ but it didnt help)
The time counter does not count up. Perhaps it should count locally on the PSP and be synced only when doing other communications up or until a counter reaches x seconds. Limiting transmitting will help save battery life too!

As well,
I use the music database as it is the most powerful way to use music with xbmc. I think its a very important feature for this remote app to support. At the moment it is very usable by using a bookmark with the path of musicdb:// but lacks some key features.
All items in a directory are not added to the playlist (so it will only play 1 track at a time unless I enqueue an album then play the album under playlist)
The library uses multiple fields to assemble the title but due to the remote being geared towards filelistings these other fields are not fetched. Idealy one could define the way to display a track ie. in settings.ini "trackdisplay = "%Track. %Artist - %Title" and album display "albumdisplay = "%artist - %albumtitle"
The above solution also solves sorting issues (all tracks only display the title and therefor are sorted by title)

The last part of this post is a feature request but I am unsure if the httpapi even supports it.
library search!
This would require a virtual keyboard but the display and browsing of the information should be simple and would be fantastic for parties and such.

This app has changed how i usually interface with xbmc and gets dropped jaws from everyone who visits. Thanks to all of the contributors to this app!

I've been tinkering in the code a bit so ill see if I cant figure out how to implement some of this but don't hold your breath

Thanks Smile
Thanks for that Loto_Bak.

Quote:The xbox can loose video output (occurred on two separate xboxs one running 720p the other 480i) randomly yet audio works correctly and xbox is still responsive through the psp. I experienced this after changing songs under musicdb:// on the psp. Unfortunately the xbmc log provides nothing useful
Taken from the 0.2 release readme which might help

Quote:If you have problems with XBMC going into a black screen, turn off the "Use Visualisation if playing audio" under Appearance|Screensaver (on the xbox).

Quote:Thumbnails are not working with v0.6 (tried changing the path in index.lua to userdata/music/thumbnails/ but it didnt help)
The time counter does not count up. Perhaps it should count locally on the PSP and be synced only when doing other communications up or until a counter reaches x seconds. Limiting transmitting will help save battery life too!
I got the counter working. I think it does get synced sometimes, but it does tend to go off by a few milliseconds, Ill see about that sync in x seconds thing.
I also fixed the code for finding the path for thumbnails by reading getcurrentlyplaying. No fixed paths anymore so that might help your problem. userdata/music/thumbnails/ is wrong IIRC, its userdata\\thumbnails\\music.

Quote:All items in a directory are not added to the playlist (so it will only play 1 track at a time unless I enqueue an album then play the album under playlist)
When I play things here everything is added, if I do GetPlaylistContents then I see all the tracks, its also supposed to be visible in the logs near the bottom.

Ill see what I can do about the feature requests, Im almost ready to upload a newer version. If you can help out that would be most excellent. I have a few of my own feature requests Ill leave for next version though.

Quote:This app has changed how i usually interface with xbmc and gets dropped jaws from everyone who visits.
Yeah I enjoy scaring the life outa my friends. A different jaw dropper hehe.
I forgot to say this previously but when you play a musicdb:// can you do a getcurrentlyplaying in your browser to the xbox and paste the contents here?
the PSP\script maybe having a dribble.

The other cause maybe the stringfunctions or just the length is driving the scroller insane (I have to change the scroller, its the reason for the lag while the psp displays it)

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XBMC Remote Interface for PSP (PlayStation Portable)0