Networks connection delay to start
I've a strange problem. I'm preparing a system for my friend but with this system I've some problem. I try to explain my situation

I've one EB1501 with OE 5.0.8 configured with static ip, on this system the update library on start works like a charm (I check the files from my nas through nfs share)

The other system is a Zotac ID41 with OE 5.0.8 configured with static ip, on this system I've a problem to update the library on start, seems that the connection is not yet started once OE has started and so the networks share is unreachable.
So I tried to set up a local share on an external device but is the same, seems that the connection is not started when OE starts so OE don't make a refresh of the library.

The strange things is that on my system all works, maybe is a Bios settings?

OE has a setting to "wait on network"
Nope, tried now at 10 sec, but no luck.

But make no sense, one system works another not Huh
Provide logging information. Speculating is a nice game, but won't lead anywhere.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
As you can see
20:34:31 T:140096649221888 ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: Couldn't resolve host name(6)

If I delay the start at least 25sec, the video library update on start works.

Any clue? I really don't figure out why make this only to one htpc

Hope it can help, I post 2 logs, the 1st one is from the htpc that have the problem, the 2nd one is from the htpc that works fine


This log is from the htpc that don't works

This log is from the htpc that works
Hi, you've had a bit of time to analyze the log?
Use the wakeonlan.xml as our wiki documents.

The time you enter into the Wait for Network is a _maximum_ time ... if network is ready after 5 seconds it will continue.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.

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Networks connection delay to start0