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Custom main menu focus should now be fixed on the skinshortcuts branch (though I've only tested with the label-based main menu...). Mr. V seems to have the widgets well in hand, so let me know about any non-widget bugs/missing features with the skin shortcuts implementation, and we'll see if we can't get this thing polished up Smile
1. Fixed

2. Hopefully fixed and functioning the way you require.

3. Any Episode widget should display "3x05 Episode Name". May be a screen shot of the which part of the widgets you mean. I cant find any issues with the code
- please check my images

4. I'll give that some thought.
*swing my arm and use the jedi force* ... you dont need to think about it... just do it Wink hehe

5. Fixed
- please check my images

6. Strange. I found if you went from 'setup main menu' to 'general main menu settings' while skin shortcuts was writing the main menu I would get a crash. The menu will now build soon as you exit 'setup main menu'. Not sure if is related. Also If I do a skin refresh while in 'general main menu settings I get a crash. I am thinking some older code may need some more rework.
agree with the crashes - but that wasnt the reason for my sql database crash ... sometimes you shouldnt delete some databases you didnt know and think " dont need them " Wink
because of the orders... not fully tested yet

7. Seems like the only way Atm, without some code changes
no big deal Smile thx

watch gallery

here you can see what i mean with episodes and cut off letters on lower info text
+ some strange problem with music... but will check it with a clean setting and report back again Smile ( ed sheeran and zendaya are just an example... all music entrys are messed up like this )

will test a bit more after a short break and icons Smile

but its feeling already realy familiar to configure the menu and widgets ... and they say you cant teach new things to old dogs... PHA !
HW: I5, AMD A6, Odroid C2 OS:Win10 & LibreElec Kodi:latest 16.x & 17.x Skin: MADNOX

M A D N O X - incl "HOW TO - SETUP TRICKS..." on first page !!!
Extra GFX Stuff for AeonNox Mods
(2015-12-31, 13:49)BobCratchett Wrote: Custom main menu focus should now be fixed on the skinshortcuts branch (though I've only tested with the label-based main menu...). Mr. V seems to have the widgets well in hand, so let me know about any non-widget bugs/missing features with the skin shortcuts implementation, and we'll see if we can't get this thing polished up Smile

nice ... will test it l8er too ... man this is cool teamwork

EDIT: seems to work with icons too Smile

HW: I5, AMD A6, Odroid C2 OS:Win10 & LibreElec Kodi:latest 16.x & 17.x Skin: MADNOX

M A D N O X - incl "HOW TO - SETUP TRICKS..." on first page !!!
Extra GFX Stuff for AeonNox Mods
Wow guys, ur work and how fast it's coming is amazing....
Now I have a request (or may be an in deep explanation in case I just didn't see it), on one of the music views.... I think the best one for this slight addition is Shelf3D... Would be nice if when browsing the albums, we could see not only the genre but also the styles in the infopanel... It seems there's plenty of space for it...
It's not something that requires any hurry, just letting it drop by here Wink
Thanks guys for all this work
Silverstone Grandia GD05 - Intel i5 3570k -Asus H61M-G Micro-ATX - Unidad Blu-ray
MSI GTX970 4GB GDDR5 - 8 GB RAM DDR3 - AVR Denon X3400H Atmos - LG  OLED 55C7V
@ Mr. V: first off, I love the direction the new widgets are taking! I especially like the Extended Panel feature. I do have a question, though. When the ExtendedInfo screen pops up for me, it's the same in Madnox and in Silvo, there's no difference (I noticed this in one of the screenshots in the Silvo thread). Also, pressing the "i" key (is this the correct key?) while focused on a show or film in a widget never pops up the extendedinfo "small screen" in the main menu for me. It doesn't do so in Silvo or Madnox. Any ideas why this is happening?
Eminence 2 MOD, Revived & Improved

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(2015-12-31, 12:51)schimi2k Wrote:
(2015-12-31, 11:20)gotham_x Wrote: to try these new updates widget, what to do, the master branch MadNox is' cloned on my pc with application TortoiseGit.

Happy New Year 2016!

this one is realy just a TESTING Branch in WIP ... and its realy different from the actual one ( to configure )

just do it if you realy want to TEST and give feedback... its not for " oh, lets have a look " and then bomb us with questions " this is not like before, and where can i find this etc "


THIS will be the future of madnox... but its not finished yet Smile Wink

schimi2k, I understand, is not for everyone, I leave with pleasure the ball in WIP, "Now, it would be like to teach carried over to a dog that runs away and leaves the ball ..." Laugh

Best wishes to you comrade, for an answer are always available, appreciated!
Mr. V, Bob, thank you!

Confirm that infolines, custom startup focus and sort by and order for the widgets are working fine!

The only thing I have seen that is not working for me is that for the weather widget, if I select Widget 1 fanart as the background, no background is shown. if I select Weather Farnart as the background, I see weather fanart, but it is random weather fanart, and not conditional weather fanart based on the current weather. How can we get conditional weather fanart to show?


(2015-12-31, 16:00)bsoriano Wrote: The only thing I have seen that is not working for me is that for the weather widget, if I select Widget 1 fanart as the background, no background is shown. if I select Weather Farnart as the background, I see weather fanart, but it is random weather fanart, and not conditional weather fanart based on the current weather. How can we get conditional weather fanart to show?

Using Weather Fanart as the background should be based on the current weather - it may display multiple images (all based on said current weather) if you haven't set a weather fanart pack/are using a multiple weather fanart pack, but the basic behaviour is working correctly here... (Skin Settings - > Customisers -> Set Weather Fanart).

I've pushed a quick fix for the weather fanart in the widget/the weather widget fanart as background. Mr. V, though, may know better vars we should be using there...
Thanks Bob, I think I have set weather fanart, but I will check again.

One other point I thought I'd mention is that the option in the Main Menu Settings customizer for Oscars/Top 250 in the main menu does not do anything. In regular MadNox, this would add two main menu items, which would in turn invoke a script to give a particular view to a Best Picture and Top 250 playlists, respectively.

My workaround for this functionality has been to create those two menu items myself, and launch the playlists, with other playlists as widgets for those two menu items.

Is the old MadNox functionality something you would consider adding, or should I just stick to my workaround?


I have two requests

1: mixed tv and movies widget as we have now in madnox with moving slides (schimi2k requested and mentioned that earlier in his post)

2: no panel background there should be option to disable background from panel like when you want to show clearart there should not be any background
@bsoriano - You'd need to stick with your workaround of adding them manually, but I'll see if they can be added to the skins default shortcuts (so users new to skin-shortcuts-managed menus would get them by default, and they can be easily re-added via the 'Restore shortcuts' button.) I think any more improvements from me will have to wait until next year now, though... Wink
Of course, Bob! Happy New Year! Smile


(2015-12-31, 04:05)knives of ice Wrote: i'm using the git version master branch. this version https://github.com/MadMikeDoc/skin.aeon.madnox

unless i'm doing something wrong it definitely isn't like how it used to be to use smart playlists and i've set up the old isengard version probably 20 times. this jarvis edition seems completely different. for instance, i have a playlist of all my son's videos. i add a custom entry to the screen of his name with all his videos and the background would be fanart of all his videos. i can do this easily on isengard version in my sleep. with this jarvis version the options to do it like isengard aren't there. where smart playlist was before is something about a widget.

ok, i give you my last post this year Smile
ive checked my "old" jarvis version, and i cant see any problems ... when you are switching fresh from isengard to jarvis you should do a fresh config ! because on jarvis your skinsettings are no longer saves in GUISETTINGS.XML... if you are switch without a fresh install you can get some problems maybe ( normaly you always should use a fresh install when you are switch from an old version to a new one... )
i can choose a smartplaylist like before, i have all the infolines, i can choose the backround of it, icon etc... well like before
so i hope you just have a mixed jarvis/isengard problem ... just backup your old stuff and test it with a fresh start... if this doesnt work either it would be good if you make some screenshots how you want to make your playlists into the mainmenu... maybe i can see where the problem is

i wish you luck and we talk again in 2016 ^^

for all the rest of the Madnox family here - A HAPPY NEW YEAR and we see us next year ...
HW: I5, AMD A6, Odroid C2 OS:Win10 & LibreElec Kodi:latest 16.x & 17.x Skin: MADNOX

M A D N O X - incl "HOW TO - SETUP TRICKS..." on first page !!!
Extra GFX Stuff for AeonNox Mods
The Fix PVR Channels Logo size and positions after 9617a48 by BytEvil at the Github making Problems.

Before Update:

After Update:
(2015-12-31, 13:49)schimi2k Wrote: 3. Any Episode widget should display "3x05 Episode Name". May be a screen shot of the which part of the widgets you mean. I cant find any issues with the code
- please check my images

4. I'll give that some thought.
*swing my arm and use the jedi force* ... you dont need to think about it... just do it Wink hehe

5. Fixed
- please check my images

here you can see what i mean with episodes and cut off letters on lower info text
+ some strange problem with music... but will check it with a clean setting and report back again Smile ( ed sheeran and zendaya are just an example... all music entrys are messed up like this )

3. Strange that it shows on you install like that. In the variable I am using 'ListItem.Title' for the episode name. I have tried looking at various tvshow widget addons and cant seem to repliciate the issue. Can you confirm what widget you have selected? It could be one of two things - the addon for the widget is does not return the tvshow title, just name of the tvshow. It could be a also be a database issue your end.

In Regards to the wrong Plot. I had some issues early on with some widget info showing up from a widget from a different menu item due to using the same id, when the widget types were similar. I am hoping that this is not the issue. But its probably best to try and break it with some clean settings. If it is still an issue with clean settings i do have a fix that involves moving some visibility conditions around, it adds a bit more code though.

4. Not to sure about this for the moment anyway. The main issue is I put in some design restraints in regards to the height of the widget. The reason was the silvo vertical menu, any more height to the poster widget and they will not fit in the vertical menu. So is no room for the labels under the poster with panel view using posters in silvo vertical menu. If madnox was to implement a vertical menu this would also be an issue. The other thing is I have aligned each widget vertically center with each other. So there are a lot of co-ordinates there to change if want to ensure the widgets are central. I keep the idea in the back of my mind though. Something may be in the future.

5. Hopefully fixed
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