Aeon Madnox for Krypton / Jarvis - (no longer in development)
Just another (really) small bug report, though as far as I remember, this isn't related only to the dev branch.

1. The Font.xml is missing a reference for "font12_title", which is needed for the right-list view's episode count.

2. There is a problem in variables.xml (ListOverlayEpisodesVar), with the way 99+ value is given. In order to centre the larger value in the small box, there are three spaces to the front, and one space after the number 99, like this: [ 99 +]. I don't know why, but there is something wrong with one of the three spaces in front of the number, because for me it displays some kind of artefact, which should indicate that a character is missing from the font itself. Well, for me it seems to be missing from every font conceivable, including Arial. Confused

These two bugs combined caused any show with 99+ unwatched episodes to (horizontally) rotate the episode count, while also displaying the mentioned ugly artefact. Although it happens rarely, it drove me mad, and I just had to fix it! When you edit the font.xml with the proper entry (I used Roboto Condensed Regular, size 26 in my settings), and simply retype the value in the variables, spaces included, everything works as it should. Nothing rotates, and everything is properly centred.

As I've said, this isn't a fluke, as it persisted throughout Isengard and the old madnox versions. Now, with the frequent updates on the dev branch and all, I'm getting a bit tired of constantly updating the files, so I'd really appreciate it if you would do away with this pesky problem. Big Grin
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RE: Aeon Madnox - Beta Release - by Mike_Doc - 2015-06-29, 17:08
RE: Aeon Madnox - Beta Release - by Mike_Doc - 2015-06-29, 17:08
RE: Aeon Madnox - Beta Release - by Mike_Doc - 2015-06-29, 17:09
RE: Aeon Madnox - Beta Release - by Mike_Doc - 2015-06-29, 17:09
RE: Aeon Madnox - Beta Release - by Mike_Doc - 2015-06-29, 17:10
RE: Aeon Madnox - Beta Release - by Mike_Doc - 2015-06-29, 17:10
MADNOX FAQ - by schimi2k - 2015-06-29, 17:11
MADNOX HELP - by schimi2k - 2015-06-29, 17:12
RE: Aeon Madnox - Beta Release - by schimi2k - 2015-06-29, 17:12
RE: Aeon Madnox - Beta Release (for Isengard / Jarvis) - by Alanon - 2016-02-07, 23:42
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Aeon Madnox for Krypton / Jarvis - (no longer in development)39