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IARL - Deprecated
(2017-04-15, 20:01)vevs Wrote: Hello! Tell me please, is there any way to force of using the proxy-server in this wonderful addon? In my country archive.org blocked at all, so addon can't download any ROM Sad Thanks in advance!

No current support for a proxy. I don't use a proxy so I wouldn't really be able to test it either. If you're willing to edit code and try it yourself, if you get it working I can add it.

My best guess is change these two lines here and here

To include a proxy as show in this example.
Any chance of adding a Remove from favorites option in the Favorite games context menu? I dont see any option to remove favorites. Is there a way that im not seeing besides deleting the pickle?
(2017-04-16, 17:05)jdig4240 Wrote: Any chance of adding a Remove from favorites option in the Favorite games context menu? I dont see any option to remove favorites. Is there a way that im not seeing besides deleting the pickle?

There's no way to do that in the addon currently. You can manually edit the xml file that was created to remove it, then select 'Refresh Archive' listing from the addon and it will be removed. I can add this to my list of things to do.

(2017-04-04, 10:21)lefty420 Wrote: I was wondering if there were any plans to update the c64 list to support a vice compatible gameset? instead of using mame softlist.

C64 is one of the next ones to work on to work with the new VICE core, since that already seems to be much better than MAME
Trying to get IARL working - but am getting an error when launching... Any ideas? Kodi 17.1 on Amazon Fire TV (2nd gen).

Log file:
23:39:56.293 T:367802349520  NOTICE: IARL:  Lets Play!
23:39:56.355 T:367802349520   ERROR: IARL:  Unable to parse header in xml file Atari_7800_ZachMorris.xml
23:40:01.442 T:367802349520   ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times.
23:40:01.442 T:367802349520  NOTICE: [resources.lib.xbmcswift2b] Request for "/" matches rule for function "index"
23:40:01.515 T:367802349520   ERROR: IARL:  Unable to get version in xml header file
23:40:01.524 T:367802349520   ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
                                             - NOTE: IGNORING THIS CAN LEAD TO MEMORY LEAKS!
                                            Error Type: <type 'exceptions.IndexError'>
                                            Error Contents: list index out of range
                                            Traceback (most recent call last):
                                              File "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/plugin.program.iarl/addon.py", line 2081, in <module>
                                              File "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/plugin.program.iarl/resources/lib/xbmcswift2b/plugin.py", line 332, in run
                                                items = self._dispatch(self.request.path)
                                              File "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/plugin.program.iarl/resources/lib/xbmcswift2b/plugin.py", line 306, in _dispatch
                                                listitems = view_func(**items)
                                              File "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/plugin.program.iarl/addon.py", line 457, in index
                                              File "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/plugin.program.iarl/resources/lib/util.py", line 596, in initialize_userdata
                                                if addon_file_info['emu_version'][0] == userdata_file_info['emu_version'][0]: #Files are the same, delete addondata file
                                            IndexError: list index out of range
                                            -->End of Python script error report<--
23:40:01.717 T:367643112432   ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting plugin://plugin.program.iarl/
23:40:01.724 T:367643112432   ERROR: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(plugin://plugin.program.iarl/) failed
23:47:57.369 T:548266638928 WARNING: CPeripheralBusAndroid: failed to remove input device with ID 44 because it couldn't be found
Will not work on normal 17.x build, you will need 18.x build (currently only available as alpha!!) or custom build
(2017-04-18, 05:55)moonchilddave Wrote: Trying to get IARL working - but am getting an error when launching... Any ideas? Kodi 17.1 on Amazon Fire TV (2nd gen).

(2017-04-18, 08:38)linkinsoldier Wrote: Will not work on normal 17.x build, you will need 18.x build (currently only available as alpha!!) or custom build

Not true! IARL should work on Kodi v16 or later. It just can't play games directly in Kodi with Retroplayer unless you're using v18 or a test build from here. Should still work without a problem using Retroarch and external launching though.

It appears there's been some sort of xml file corruption. I think only one other user has described the same issue, and I have no idea why it happens, but I think this example shows where I can prompt the user to delete the bad file if it does happen - I'll add that to my list of things to update.

In the meantime, I suggest you uninstall the addon, and delete the folder (using ES-File explorer or adbLink or similar):
And then re-install.

Alternatively, you can just try deleting the one file it's complaining about:

and see if that resolves the error.
Sorry, I thought via android there is no possibility via retroplayer (unless you are using kodi 18)
Is there away to keep the roms how come it dissappears?
(2017-04-15, 21:23)zachmorris Wrote: No current support for a proxy. I don't use a proxy so I wouldn't really be able to test it either. If you're willing to edit code and try it yourself, if you get it working I can add it.

My best guess is change these two lines here and here

To include a proxy as show in this example.

Thanks for the answer! I've modified mentioned lines, and in additional this one - and it works! I think it'll be a good idea to rewrite "old download method" too for using "requests" instead of "urllib" (for downloading without authorization), but I'm not so good at Python (and programming at all), so i can't handle it myself Smile
(2017-04-19, 15:23)Sparda333 Wrote: Is there away to keep the roms how come it dissappears?

Per the first post, read the FAQ
(2017-04-19, 15:40)vevs Wrote:
(2017-04-15, 21:23)zachmorris Wrote: No current support for a proxy. I don't use a proxy so I wouldn't really be able to test it either. If you're willing to edit code and try it yourself, if you get it working I can add it.

My best guess is change these two lines here and here

To include a proxy as show in this example.

Thanks for the answer! I've modified mentioned lines, and in additional this one - and it works! I think it'll be a good idea to rewrite "old download method" too for using "requests" instead of "urllib" (for downloading without authorization), but I'm not so good at Python (and programming at all), so i can't handle it myself Smile

Good to know it works. I'll see about adding an advanced option for it.
is there anyway to have the game artwork and boxart come up on the homscreen, instead of movies and music?
(2017-04-20, 04:05)kpop Wrote: is there anyway to have the game artwork and boxart come up on the homscreen, instead of movies and music?

Thats skin dependant. I know the Estuary Mod can show addon info on the homescreen, since thats what I use.
thanks that did the trick, is there anyway to auto populate the artwork in the veiws?, as it seems to find the artwork and populate it as you scroll trough the lists on the fly, would be great to be doing this in the background.
(2017-04-21, 04:45)kpop Wrote: thanks that did the trick, is there anyway to auto populate the artwork in the veiws?, as it seems to find the artwork and populate it as you scroll trough the lists on the fly, would be great to be doing this in the background.

The artwork downloading is all taken care of by Kodi. It should all be cached though, so once downloaded it should be available on your local machine. With really big game lists it can obviously take a long time to get all the images.
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