Release CinemaVision: Create a Movie Theater Experience at Home
Hello Scott,

Thank you for your work on this add-on I installed yesterday and became a supporting member on your site. WIthin an hour of playing with it I was able to get a pretty good movie theater experience intro that I showed off to the wife today. She loved it, however the kids almost lost interested due to a long pause before the Trivia slides start.

Once the slides start everything goes pretty smooth, but there is a minute or so of black screen after the Trivia Intro video and when the Trivia Slides start.

Any suggestions ?

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RE: CinemaVision Add-on: Create a Movie Theater Experience at Home - by ShaunB1980 - 2016-05-05, 03:32
Cinemavision Addon - need help - by Mike413 - 2020-05-15, 12:59
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