Release CinemaVision: Create a Movie Theater Experience at Home
I've had a problem with cinemavision for a few months now. I stopped using it then last night I decided to try it out again and see if it could work, but I'm getting an odd error that produces no errors in the logs or anything.

I've set it up the way I like it as far as sequence. When I run the cinemavision as a test inside the add-on, it works; I see the bumpers, the trailers, etc. I have saved as "default" (name of the sequence). 

When I try to load it from the context menu for a movie, the context menu for cinemavision pops up, where it gives me the option to play, cancel, etc. In the top right hand corner, there is no name for the sequence loaded. It's just a blank box. I can't select play, cancel, or anything. The only thing I can do is back out of the screen, which it does. It doesn't freeze or just doesn't do anything.

I'm running krypton 17.6, android, on shield tv. 

Is there a way around this error? Can I make it so when I push enter on a movie, it'll start the sequence in case it's the context menu that's screwing it up?

Thanks for the amazing work! I really love the add-on (when it's working for me..Smile)

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RE: CinemaVision: Create a Movie Theater Experience at Home - by truthlesshero - 2018-01-27, 17:35
Cinemavision Addon - need help - by Mike413 - 2020-05-15, 12:59
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