Release CinemaVision: Create a Movie Theater Experience at Home
The latest development version 1.1.1a8 works very well on Kodi 18 Leia. The "special://" path also works. Thanks for the update!

Is there any way to list videos in "Extras" folders for a movie in the CV dialog if the CV is invoked from the movie information dialog/context menu? Currently only the movie is listed in the big dialog, the bottom part of the dialog is empty, which is kind of waste space, I think it's a good place to list Trails and Extras there.

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RE: CinemaVision: Create a Movie Theater Experience at Home - by xodi - 2018-07-24, 04:35
Cinemavision Addon - need help - by Mike413 - 2020-05-15, 12:59
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