Release CinemaVision: Create a Movie Theater Experience at Home
Just recently updated to Leia and discovered that the current CV version from the Kodi add-on repository does not work well with Leia at all. So I installed the latest Development Release 1.1.1a8 from the cinemavision site. While it seems i have everything setup correctly, I can't not get a sequence to go thru at all. It plays none of my bumpers or videos. It shows the trivia properly then afterwards goes to a blank screen and hangs up. I have no clue what the problem could be. I have my content files all scrapped, did a content update and it seems to recognize my content but it plays no video, only trivia. Been having a lot of problems with Leia lately (no pun) and this just adds to it.

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RE: CinemaVision: Create a Movie Theater Experience at Home - by KrispyKreme - 2019-02-16, 06:26
Cinemavision Addon - need help - by Mike413 - 2020-05-15, 12:59
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CinemaVision: Create a Movie Theater Experience at Home5