Intel VAAPI howto with Leia v18 nightly based on Ubuntu 18.04 server
OMG, udevil actually solved my problem with the automount. I was setting up the box 3 times as I thought I did something wrong. THANKS FRITSCH!

all that was needed is:
1. sudo apt-get install udevil
2. sudo nano /home/kodi/.config/openbox/autostart

OUTPUT=`xrandr -display :0 -q | sed '/ connected/!d;s/ .*//;q'`
xrandr -display :0 --output $OUTPUT --set "Broadcast RGB" "Full"
devmon & /usr/bin/kodi --standalone
openbox --exit

I'm now wondering since most ppl will install an OS > 15.10 if this would be good to add to the step by step instructions.

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Intel VAAPI howto with Leia v18 nightly based on Ubuntu 18.04 server18