Beta Copacetic: alpha and beta development thread
I can understand your thoughts and the longer I work with your skin now I can understand the decision. 

I have one more question

My own playlists are outsourced because I use kodi in several rooms. The playlist of my daughter I always use as a widget or as a main entry in the home menu depending on what options are given to me by the respective skin. In your skin I do not find this option I can only create all playlists. Only in the skin based playlists I have the choice to select one of many. Then I tried it via the favorites but also here there is only the choice either all or none. 

So would it be possible that you can create the option in the category favorites so that I also have there the choice to choose only one favorite instead of all favorites I made? 

I hope my english is not to bad to understand what I mean

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Copacetic: alpha and beta development thread8