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Android ZIDOO X6(Updated October 18st support 3D ISO framepacking via kodi)
Read again, this is to do with Kodi Trademarks, it has nothing at all to do with GPL.

Its the reason MINIX Ship in a retail box, their custom version named XBMC 13.x.x to avoid infringing the Kodi Trademark.
Zidoo will have to do the same.
WeTek would have to as well if they ship their Core in Retail packaging with a Custom version of Kodi.

No custom version packaged called Kodi and you are fine. Smile

Got the distinction, as initially I thought Martijn was just asking about their customized fork. However, there are literally hundreds of such violations... just search eBay using keywords "Kodi player". All for GPL/trademarks, and any intellectual/physical rights, but this is a futile battle I'm afraid.
[H]i-[d]eft [M]edia [K]een [V]ideosaurus
Cozy Home Theater
This company is at CES demonstrating their device with a big KODI LOGO,are all these Chinese manufactures allow to use the Kodi brand to sell their product?

XBOX SERIES X  | PS4 PRO 4K | JBL 9.1 System 5.1.4 DTS:X/ATMOS 
(2016-01-15, 16:41)hdmkv Wrote: Got the distinction, as initially I thought Martijn was just asking about their customised fork. However, there are literally hundreds of such violations... just search eBay using keywords "Kodi player". All for GPL/trademarks, and any intellectual/physical rights, but this is a futile battle I'm afraid.
There is an important distinction, this is an actual Kodi Forum.

As such rules have to be followed, especially considering this thread is started by a Zidoo representative.
The mods could easily trash the entire thread if there are Trademark infringements and a company posting on here does not comply after being warned.

I'm sure Zidoo will do the right thing now they are made aware of the problem by Martijn.

It would be nice if Zidoo could open source their Kodi 16 changes.
Their Kodi 15.2 source code on Github is also several versions behind the one they bundle in their firmware.
Keep up the good work Zidoo!
Hi Kodi and Developers

Can I just ask a stupid question? Why not include the RK3386 fix written in by Zidoo in your sources?

They make the source freely available and informed you and did a full write-up and the fix is being used by all the major players in the RK3386 game...

Instead you forced Zidoo to remove the Kodi trademark because the code has been changed, instead of incorporating a much needed Kodi fix into the Kodi source kode...

I hope you find this in the spirit it was written.

Kind regards
cyber7 (aka Aubrey Kloppers; Cape Town; South Africa)
(2016-03-03, 08:56)cyber7 Wrote: Hi Kodi and Developers

Can I just ask a stupid question? Why not include the RK3386 fix written in by Zidoo in your sources?

They make the source freely available and informed you and did a full write-up and the fix is being used by all the major players in the RK3386 game...

Instead you forced Zidoo to remove the Kodi trademark because the code has been changed, instead of incorporating a much needed Kodi fix into the Kodi source kode...

I hope you find this in the spirit it was written.

Kind regards
cyber7 (aka Aubrey Kloppers; Cape Town; South Africa)
As a PS:
All I can see in the change of the code is:
  • Add RK modification
  • Rockchip Audio passthrough patch
  • Fix auto refresh display rate

So why not include them into the Kodi code seeing the latest trend is to run RK devices, as they are so cheap?
(2016-03-03, 09:21)cyber7 Wrote:
(2016-03-03, 08:56)cyber7 Wrote: Hi Kodi and Developers

Can I just ask a stupid question? Why not include the RK3386 fix written in by Zidoo in your sources?

They make the source freely available and informed you and did a full write-up and the fix is being used by all the major players in the RK3386 game...

Instead you forced Zidoo to remove the Kodi trademark because the code has been changed, instead of incorporating a much needed Kodi fix into the Kodi source kode...

I hope you find this in the spirit it was written.

Kind regards
cyber7 (aka Aubrey Kloppers; Cape Town; South Africa)
As a PS:
All I can see in the change of the code is:
  • Add RK modification
  • Rockchip Audio passthrough patch
  • Fix auto refresh display rate

So why not include them into the Kodi code seeing the latest trend is to run RK devices, as they are so cheap?

The explanation I got is because they did it in a 'hacky' way and KODI has an OFFICIAL development build with Android passthrough.

So why don't you download that instead.

I have Zidoo X6 Pro, that company support sucks, I am happy with Nvidia and support from KODI.
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