Win Stopping HP G1 sleeping
I have a HP 260 G1 which works like a dream but I'm having problems with the unit sleeping.

Setup - connected to LG TV using a DVI converter and a Pulse Eight CEC adapter

When the unit is up and running the CEC works great and no issues... however, if left for a while the unit (not Kodi) goes to sleep and then I need to tap the bluetooth keyboard to wake it up.

When it sleeps the TV says no signal so the HDMI signal seems to being shut off when it sleeps

Not sure what other info would be helpful but I'm happy to provide (if I know the answer) - I am not sure exactly what the limitations are with sleeping/hibernation as I came from a PI setup which did not have this issue, so maybe I'm missing some of the basics - if that is the case sorry and can someone please bring me up to speed?

What I want to happen in an ideal world is for the CEC command to wake up BUT I think that's not going to be possible, therefore I think I'm going to be happy with plan B which is keeping the unit on 24/7 unless I turn it off manually.

Any help would be great or just a pointer to any relevant threads I couldn't find (i did try to find one before posting)

Operating system?
Windows 8,1 bing (thingy) .. havent upgraded to 10 yet BUT if it helps I would

Also using Kodilauncher to load right into Kodi to bypass Windows
Keeping it on 24/7 should just be a case of changing the power plan in windows (control panel > system > power, or something like that).
For the CEC adapter - all I can think is it might be worth trying different usb ports (eg if you have one that's 'always on', and in control panel > device manager > cec adapter > properties make sure there's nothing ticked that relates to turning off to save power.
thanks I'll give it a try

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Stopping HP G1 sleeping0