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Release Rapier 9.6.6 for Kodi 16 Jarvis [DEPRECATED]
Sounds great.

But that's weird, since it'´s the exact same version in the Kodi repo. In fact, the zip IS from the Kodi repo Smile
UPDATE: Rapier 9.5.0 is available through the official Kodi repository!

This update is installed automatically.
If this is not the case, you can download it here.

The highlights are:
  • Added a Preview button to Skin Settings > General when enabling startup video / image. Use this button to preview your startup media.
  • Added support for plugin.library.node.editor. A "Edit Nodes" button has been added to the top options menu bar. Use this to edit the library nodes. If the add-on is not installed, you will be prompted to install it when clicking the button.
  • A new section has been added to the skin settings: Configure Menus. Use this section to enable/disable buttons in the shutdown menu and context menu.
  • Added support for script.user.rating. Use this add-on to rate your movies, tv shows or episodes. A "Set My Rating" button has been added to the context menu - this is done in the Skin Settings > Configure Menus.
  • Added support for script.module.t9.search. This add-on is integrated in ExtendedInfo video list window.
  • Added support for animated movie poster in the View Options for List View, List Info View, List Info 3 View, Fanart View and movie information window. This feature requires script.skin.helper.service. The posters are fetched from the database provided by rschiks. Posters are added fast at the moment.
  • Thumbnail View and tv shows Banner View has been merged into Icon View. This view is now greatly improved and offers more options and support for normal / small thumbs (posters and banners), clear logos, clear art, tv thumbs and much more. If you used Thumbnail View or Banner View before, select Icon View instead. Screenshots are added below.
  • A Search dialog has been added when the top options menu bar search button or home screen Kodi logo button is clicked. A Search submenu button has been added to the home screen General category.
  • A CPU usage progress bar and Memory usage progress bar has been added to the system information window.
  • 2 new views has been added to the pictures windows: List Info 3 and Thumbs Info Views. They offer more details and makes navigating your images much easier. Screenshots are added below.

9.5.0 (30-March-16)
- Added Search dialog when search button or home screen Kodi logo button is clicked.
- Added Search submenu button to the home screen General category.
- Updated ADSP settings dialog.
- Merge, update and redesign of Icon View, Thumbnail View and TV Shows Banner View.
- Added new Icon View for movie sets.
- Updated language files from Transifex.
- ExtendedInfo video information window trailer button now closes the window if a trailer exists.
- Added "Edit Nodes" button to top options menu bar when in the nodes section of libraries (will install plugin.library.node.editor).
- Added plugin.library.node.editor to Skin Settings > Supported Add-ons section.
- Added support for animated movie poster in the View Options for List View, List Info View, List Info 3 View, Fanart View and movie information window.
- Centered yes/no dialog, busy dialog, ok dialog and progress dialog.
- Added support for script.module.t9.search.
- Added "Configure Menus" section to skin settings. Enable / disable shutdown menu and context menu items.
- Changed top options menubar Filter button to radiobutton.
- Added Preview button to Skin Settings > General when enabling startup video / image.
- Removed add-on star rating and rating since it doesn't work.
- Added support for script.user.rating in the context menu of movies, tv shows and episodes library.
- Font fixes.
- Removed loading PVR channels in startup window.
- Fix for ExtendedInfo VideoList and YoutubeList windows.
- Added date label to Info Pane in pictures windows.
- Added List Info 3 and Thumbs Info Views to pictures windows.
- Increased size of picture information dialog.
- Added CPU usage progress bar and Memory usage progress bar to system information window.
- Font fixes.

- Merge, update and redesign of Icon View, Thumbnail View and TV Shows Banner View.
MOVIES: Icon View, clear logo style

TV SHOWS: Icon View, clear art style

TV SHOWS: Icon View, normal style (banners selected in the skin settings)

TV SHOWS: Icon View, small style (banners selected in the skin settings)

MOVIES: Icon View, Countries

Added List Info 3 and Thumbs Info Views to pictures windows.
List Info 3 View, normal style

List Info 3 View, expanded style

Thumbs Info View

- Added Search dialog when search button or home screen Kodi logo button is clicked.

- Added CPU usage progress bar and Memory usage progress bar to system information window.

I recently reinstalled kodi, and rapier, when i load kodi a Rapier screen appears, and doesn't go away until i load a remote on my tablet and hit the home button. If i use my attached keyboard and hit a key the rapier start screen just stays there. Is there a setting to turn this startup screen off so it goes right to the menu? I can't seem to find one in options..
(2016-04-03, 23:27)mikenet Wrote: I recently reinstalled kodi, and rapier, when i load kodi a Rapier screen appears, and doesn't go away until i load a remote on my tablet and hit the home button. If i use my attached keyboard and hit a key the rapier start screen just stays there. Is there a setting to turn this startup screen off so it goes right to the menu? I can't seem to find one in options..

Must be a bug. I recently changed stuff in the startup window, so I might have missed something.

Can you install my development repository? I have just pushed v9.5.1 to my repo, which should fix the issue.

Please let me know if everything is working as expected after the update.
(2016-04-04, 09:32)Gade Wrote:
(2016-04-03, 23:27)mikenet Wrote: I recently reinstalled kodi, and rapier, when i load kodi a Rapier screen appears, and doesn't go away until i load a remote on my tablet and hit the home button. If i use my attached keyboard and hit a key the rapier start screen just stays there. Is there a setting to turn this startup screen off so it goes right to the menu? I can't seem to find one in options..

Must be a bug. I recently changed stuff in the startup window, so I might have missed something.

Can you install my development repository? I have just pushed v9.5.1 to my repo, which should fix the issue.

Please let me know if everything is working as expected after the update.

Thanks for the reply, i'll try that and let ya know.
(2016-04-09, 03:58)mikenet Wrote:
(2016-04-04, 09:32)Gade Wrote:
(2016-04-03, 23:27)mikenet Wrote: I recently reinstalled kodi, and rapier, when i load kodi a Rapier screen appears, and doesn't go away until i load a remote on my tablet and hit the home button. If i use my attached keyboard and hit a key the rapier start screen just stays there. Is there a setting to turn this startup screen off so it goes right to the menu? I can't seem to find one in options..

Must be a bug. I recently changed stuff in the startup window, so I might have missed something.

Can you install my development repository? I have just pushed v9.5.1 to my repo, which should fix the issue.

Please let me know if everything is working as expected after the update.

Thanks for the reply, i'll try that and let ya know.

Well i installed your repo, i still have the same problem, also somehow Exodus got removed when i installed your repo...makes no sense..i'm guessing there is some error in my original kodi install and will just wipe it and reinstall it, as i have used rapier for awhile now and never had any issues till now...
(2016-04-10, 04:16)mikenet Wrote:
(2016-04-09, 03:58)mikenet Wrote:
(2016-04-04, 09:32)Gade Wrote: Must be a bug. I recently changed stuff in the startup window, so I might have missed something.

Can you install my development repository? I have just pushed v9.5.1 to my repo, which should fix the issue.

Please let me know if everything is working as expected after the update.

Thanks for the reply, i'll try that and let ya know.

Well i installed your repo, i still have the same problem, also somehow Exodus got removed when i installed your repo...makes no sense..i'm guessing there is some error in my original kodi install and will just wipe it and reinstall it, as i have used rapier for awhile now and never had any issues till now...

Banned add-ons are not supported on these forums.

Yeah, try doing a clean install without add-ons. Install Rapier and whatever other official add-ons you like. Let me know if that fixes your issues Smile
Hey Gade,
is there any chance for WATCHED/UNWATCHED STATUS icons to be changed in the future?

It's TOOO HARD to distinguish statuses between these two icons, almost impossible on HDTV...


Something like this...

(2016-04-14, 17:13)markcwee Wrote: Hey Gade,
is there any chance for WATCHED/UNWATCHED STATUS icons to be changed in the future?

It's TOOO HARD to distinguish statuses between these two icons, almost impossible on HDTV...


+1 !
Nvidia ShieldTV (2017)+Omega
Hi Gade - is there a way to disable/hide submenu items under the Power category? I'd like to hide Custom Shutdown timer, Suspend, Power Off System. I have searched through settings/home and other places - including this forum - but haven't been able to locate the proper area to modify.

Thanks for creating the only skin I use. It's great!
(2016-04-14, 17:13)markcwee Wrote: Hey Gade,
is there any chance for WATCHED/UNWATCHED STATUS icons to be changed in the future?

It's TOOO HARD to distinguish statuses between these two icons, almost impossible on HDTV...

You can go to the top options menu bar (pressing left) and View Options. Select "Expanded View" and you'll get another watched icon. Is this more what you're after?

When using local media, it's easier to see the icon when you have the HD/SD text in the watched/unwatched icon.

FYI: discussion of banned add-ons are against the forum rules.
(2016-04-16, 14:04)Ratskin Wrote: Hi Gabe - is there a way to disable/hide submenu items under the Power category? I'd like to hide Custom Shutdown timer, Suspend, Power Off System. I have searched through settings/home and other places - including this forum - but haven't been able to locate the proper area to modify.

Thanks for creating the only skin I use. It's great!

Hi Ratskin.

Thanks so much for the kind words!

It's unfortunately not possible to do in the skin settings.

But if you're up for it, you can edit the skin xml's yourself to achieve it.
Find the xml "includes_Home.xml" and locate the line " <description>Power Menu Bar</description>".
Delete item id=3 and 4 and 5. That's it.

But remember that each time the skin is updated, your custom edits are overwritten. And I strongly recommend always keeping the skin updated.
(2016-04-16, 16:04)Gade Wrote:
(2016-04-16, 14:04)Ratskin Wrote: Hi Gabe - is there a way to disable/hide submenu items under the Power category? I'd like to hide Custom Shutdown timer, Suspend, Power Off System. I have searched through settings/home and other places - including this forum - but haven't been able to locate the proper area to modify.

Thanks for creating the only skin I use. It's great!

Hi Ratskin.

Thanks so much for the kind words!

It's unfortunately not possible to do in the skin settings.

But if you're up for it, you can edit the skin xml's yourself to achieve it.
Find the xml "includes_Home.xml" and locate the line " <description>Power Menu Bar</description>".
Delete item id=3 and 4 and 5. That's it.

But remember that each time the skin is updated, your custom edits are overwritten. And I strongly recommend always keeping the skin updated.

Thanks so much for the tip, Gade! It worked like a charm and I made note of it to use in future releases.
(2016-04-16, 23:28)Ratskin Wrote:
(2016-04-16, 16:04)Gade Wrote:
(2016-04-16, 14:04)Ratskin Wrote: Hi Gabe - is there a way to disable/hide submenu items under the Power category? I'd like to hide Custom Shutdown timer, Suspend, Power Off System. I have searched through settings/home and other places - including this forum - but haven't been able to locate the proper area to modify.

Thanks for creating the only skin I use. It's great!

Hi Ratskin.

Thanks so much for the kind words!

It's unfortunately not possible to do in the skin settings.

But if you're up for it, you can edit the skin xml's yourself to achieve it.
Find the xml "includes_Home.xml" and locate the line " <description>Power Menu Bar</description>".
Delete item id=3 and 4 and 5. That's it.

But remember that each time the skin is updated, your custom edits are overwritten. And I strongly recommend always keeping the skin updated.

Thanks so much for the tip, Gade! It worked like a charm and I made note of it to use in future releases.

Sounds great - glad to help.

Yeah, you'll have to do this with every update. Fortunately it shouldn't take many seconds Wink
Hello Gade and great skin by the way. I have a question and I am hoping you can help me. I am running your skin 9.5.2 from your repo and noticed the in cinema and upcoming movies left plain windows in the movie section are not showing up anymore. Has support for that feature ended or has the extendedinfo script dev changed something that might have broke skin integration? I really like having those two left plain windows in the movie section and would like to get them back if possible. Thanks for any suggestions to resolve this issue.

They are not hidden under skin settings, I checked that already so the windows should show under movie section but it doesnt anymore.
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Rapier 9.6.6 for Kodi 16 Jarvis [DEPRECATED]2
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