Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Feature Requests for Unity
If you have any feature requests or bug reports that you don't want to start a new thread for, lets use this post as a collection point.

Thanks guys!
please update it through Git.
CPU:- AMD FX 4100 Motherboard: Gigabyte 78LMT-S2 RAM:-4GB Graphics: AMD HD 7750 1GB DDR5 PSU: IBALL 500W Display: DELL S2240M Storage: 1TB
When changes are made they are updated through Git.

Git page:

Development repo (changes are pushed here before the Kodi repo typically):
Discart and clearart view would be nice!
A way to modify or add additional widgets would be amazing.
Additional widgets are definitely on the list. I would like to get the skin ready for Jarvis first, then I'll focus on additional features like the widgets.
I tried unity recently. There are two things that bother me. The font size is too small, so is quite unreadable in a 17" screen from 2-3 meters far. Most important some popups which appear on fullscreen video when is playing and cover the subtitles(player controls, info bar when push arrow keys). It's ok if something cover subtitles when the video is paused but this area should be always clear when video plays, and all these popups to be at the top.
I recently updated from A Gotham to Isengaurd and now unity won't even show the title boxes. solution?
By title boxes do you mean the main menu? If so you need to make sure skinshortcuts is update to the latest version. There was an issue with that addon that caused problems with the menu getting built. If that is not the issue, can you please attach a screenshot?
Hi love the skin definitely going to start using it. i know some have already been mentioned and this is a long list and i do understand it will take a long time to implement these things and you are working on other things so this request is very much long term but i thought if i don't ask i won't get Smile
so here are some of the things i would like;

1. Extended Info support (Skinned)
2. Skinned TV Guide (Next Aired)
3. Artwork downloader support (download artwork from within Movie/TV Show info screen and on startup)
4. More artwork support in all views (Discart, Logos, Landscape etc...)
5. Library Editor script Support
6. Customizable widgets on the home screen to show current cinema releases (Extended Info), Upcoming TV Episodes (Next Aired) etc...
7. DVD, Bluray and/or Collection icons for Movies and/or TV Episodes. this is an option in the settings but it doesn't seem to change anything?
8. Collection info and each movies plot (i don't know what this addon is but i have seen it)

Thanks for the suggestions, I'll take them into consideration when I start adding new features into the skin.
Fantastic Skin Bumpaneer !

One little change i would like to make is to make the selected "Power Button" easier to see

Can you tell me how to do that ? is it xml code or graphics replacement ? Thanks Smile


EDIT: Moderators please move this post to "Unity Feature Requests" Thanks

Merged as requested - DarrenHill
I found that on Rpi2 skin is not so smooth. Maybe adding feature to disable some effects to run this smoother would be nice.

Grateful if we can have widgets on unity 0.4.1 for kodi isengard
, or if there is a way I would appreciate it if I can get instructions on how to add widgets to unity for kodi isengard aka 15.2. Thank you.
A somekind of seekbar which progressiivista when you rewind Smile

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Feature Requests for Unity0