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xTV (Apple TV take 1 replica/clone) skin is in the XBMC Skinning Project's SVN
I'm no skinner, but I can tell you, you need to read the manual better.

You'r not setting anything with the visible tag except the controls visible condition.
For python coding questions first see http://mirrors.xbmc.org/docs/python-docs/
jabba200 Wrote:etien

that is not the latest release of xtv and that is why you dont have an option to remove tv shows. download the latest version from SVN.

to remove thumbs and info goto imdb and find out the ttxxxxx number of the movie, then goto userdata/database/imdb and delete the corresponding number,also userdata/thumbnails/video and del number there too.

I'd missed your reply and thought nobody cared Big Grin

Thanks a lot
darn, no edit function

I only have "tt" 4 numbers in UserData/Database/IMDB, and the numbers in UserData/Thumbnails are different (e.g. 07f4a481.tbn). Is it a case of not having the latest xTV therefore scan now works differently?
First of all awesome skin!

Like it very much! Will me my new default on!

I have a few littel questions / suggestions.

1. Is it possible to turn on/off the displkay of the cover art when having full screen visulatiopns on? like pressing info button in PM3? Would be great!

2. Maybe rotete the Album art a bit in full screen view like atv does.
Look here:
looks great.

3. i have not test only 3 buttons when i go in the settings menu for the skin (not general settings).

4. Covervflow for music and videos. I have the mod an it looks great! Maybe integrating it for music and videos would be awesome!

5. The covers in wrap view are a bit far away from each other. Maybe putting them closer togetehr like in PM3 would look better? Only a suggestion.

Keey up the great work!
Re LARGE font Just new to this the skin is perfect but how do i set the default font size larger for 19" TFT? I have searched with no luck THANKS
Hey chief, since blaize has been M.I.A. for a bit and I can't really do anything with XMBox, I thought I might see how hard it would be to add a circular home menu option to xTV, I also added Coverflow, If you decide you want to implement them into xTV, I saved you the work, (the circular menu needs jezz's help a bit though, I can't seem to track down a nasty flicker.) I used the last svn to build off of. I did have to rewrite all of the circular home code though.

Here it is, xTV with Coverflow and circular home menu option - mod.

BTW, check out skin settings to turn it on.
Dvd media detected replaces tv or web browser icon, depending on what settings you have set..

Let me know what you think. Smile
MacGyver Wrote:Hey chief, since blaize has been M.I.A. for a bit and I can't really do anything with XMBox, I thought I might see how hard it would be to add a circular home menu option to xTV, I also added Coverflow, If you decide you want to implement them into xTV, I saved you the work, (the circular menu needs jezz's help a bit though, I can't seem to track down a nasty flicker.) I used the last svn to build off of. I did have to rewrite all of the circular home code though.

Here it is, xTV with Coverflow and circular home menu option - mod.

BTW, check out skin settings to turn it on.
Dvd media detected replaces tv or web browser icon, depending on what settings you have set..

Let me know what you think. Smile

Nice Smile Will give it a try when I'm home from work. Big Grin
It's pretty cool! Big Grin

Will add it to my (Dutch) XBMC version under the name XTV360 that I'll upload tonight at usenet Smile

any chance of replacing you tube on the main menu with either 'scripts' or an individual choice of a script - such as retro-x, or favourites may be. i'm not stuck on you tube as thing i use & would fancy the slick look of retro-x intwined with xtv.
coastal Wrote:any chance of replacing you tube on the main menu with either 'scripts' or an individual choice of a script - such as retro-x, or favourites may be. i'm not stuck on you tube as thing i use & would fancy the slick look of retro-x intwined with xtv.

You can already replace the YouTube button with a button for Scripts.

The other option you're talking about should be a nice freature!
Maybe it's nice to create a scripts carousel Smile
Bigfoot87 Wrote:You can already replace the YouTube button with a button for Scripts.

The other option you're talking about should be a nice freature!
Maybe it's nice to create a scripts carousel Smile

You couldn't explain how could you? is it a case of editing some xml? my apologies if i've missed this elsewhere. i've found the google.code wiki for xtv but it's got no documentation.
coastal Wrote:You couldn't explain how could you? is it a case of editing some xml? my apologies if i've missed this elsewhere. i've found the google.code wiki for xtv but it's got no documentation.

Its not on google code anymore its here
ah just found


in Home.xml. Well that looks easy. Sweet.
coastal Wrote:You couldn't explain how could you? is it a case of editing some xml? my apologies if i've missed this elsewhere. i've found the google.code wiki for xtv but it's got no documentation.

Yes I can explain how...

Go to Skin Settings and turn the option 'Replace Scripts with Youtube button' off. It's that simple Wink
It would seem I thought of everything Tongue
but really, in the skin settings you can turn the circular menu on/off so it can look like the xtv one again. you can swap scripts(the default) for youtube, and can replace the webbrowser icon (the default, but only useful if you are using a build with linksboks included) with the tv icon (either one will be replaced by a DVD icon if you insert a DVD or CD into your xbox, until you remove the disc). And before anyone asks, no other icons can be added or removed just exchanged with others (hence scripts/youtube, browser/tv), it must be always 10, any more or less, and and EVERYTHING would have to be re-coded.

It would be nice if Chief added it to xtv, but he may not, but in it's current state, the return animations to home are still the same a xtv, but I'm not going to fix those little things, because they may not make it part of xtv officially, and it would be a waste of time. xTV is his baby, and he will make it look how he wants. I use xTV set to normal mode, because I like it that way, the mod was only because Gamester wondered what it would be like, and the coverflow was because someone asked for it.

Jezz, have you had a chance to see what's up with the flicker? It's basically your code ideas, so I figured you'd be the one to ask.

but all questons for this mod, should be moved to the circular menu thread, this thread is not for that.
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xTV (Apple TV take 1 replica/clone) skin is in the XBMC Skinning Project's SVN11