Controlling Kodi from the LG TV's remote control

I have a LG 42LV3400 and Kodi (osmc on raspberry pi B+).
I want to control Kodi with TV's remote, but I can't.
For information, this TV has the simplink function (CEC).

Does anyone can tell me by step how to do?

Thank you.

(Sorry for my bad english!)
On my LG, once I have the Pi on screen I have to select sources again, then green (the symlink button) and switch from TV to HDD recorder (which is what the Pi appears as to symlink). It will try to reconnect (and probably say failed, mine always does) and then CEC should work.
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In the simplink menu, I have TV ; disc ; VCR ; HDD recorder... but all are greyed out.
Check your HDMI cable. It may perhaps not have suitable wiring for CEC? Also if the TV has multiple HDMI ports, try a different one (especially hdmi1) as often only the master one has CEC.
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Try the things Darren suggests, they all could be the issue. But also in the end it may just not work Sad

I can't get CEC working between my Sony Bravia and RPi2, and having tried everything, uploaded bug reports, versions of Openelec etc. I have given up. I have read of several others that end up the same. CEC on TV works fine with other devices, Pi sees TV but TV not see Pi.
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I've never tried on-board CEC, only the CEC adapter, but do you still have to enable it in Kodi before it will announce itself to the TV and accept commands?

It's in System -> Settings -> System -> Input Devices -> Peripherals or similar, I think.

I will try with another HDMI cable tomorrow. (I don't have another cable for the moment)
Thank you for your help.
I tried with another cable and it works !
All buttons are OK except info.
I will try to add this function by editing the remote.xml file.
Thank you for your advice. Smile
Good to hear Smile

Not all buttons get sent by CEC to the Pi by the TV (indeed my LG only sends about a dozen or so) so keymap editor and a bit of careful planning are your friends here.
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Is it one of those magic remotes? If it is ould you telll a complete. Noob the steps to "do it"?
No ! It's the original TV remote.

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Controlling Kodi from the LG TV's remote control0