Movies disappearing from database AND file browse
Lets try this again then.

Hi all. My first post. Been a XBMC-user for quite some time.

Just recently I ran into the problem that multiple movies are disappear from the database and I can for the love of god not understand why. Not only are they jumping out of the database, I cant even browse them under file and the media source. The files are of course still on the drive. It's just that KODI cant find it any longer.

I've checked filtering and nothing there is active. And its behaving completely random also.

The problem started under KODI 15.1 and I've just updated to 15.2 under windows 7 32bit.

anyone with an idea of what is going on?

EDIT: I just tried renaming the folder and the file. The Scraper obviously finds the folder and parses it but KODI simply refuses to add it to the database and filters it out from the file browser.
This is traumatizing. I cant even watch my fav movies!!!

EDIT #2: Now i tried playing another file, Kodi crashed, and then when restarting Kodi finds the folder but now says the file is removed, although the file is still where it should be and plays fine in VLC. Doing further tests in Kodi there seems to be something very wrong since it behaves very unstable and crashes on every other file played.
SOLVED: Apparently i somehow ticked in "unwatched", i function I have never used before.

Now I just need to figure out all this crashing. Since I updated to 15.2 things seem to be extremely unstable for me.
Do you have a debug log of the crash?

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Movies disappearing from database AND file browse0