"Now playing" blues

There's a little peeve I have. Maybe it's been covered somewhere, so my apologies if it has. The search function just doesn't do a very good job of pointing me in the right direction.

I don't use playlists as folders, as it's confusing for many people that use my XBMC. When I open up a playlist, the 'now playing' window shows all the songs, and they're shuffled, because I have shuffle on by default.

However, if I just want to play an album from my files view, all songs get put into the 'now playing' window as well, automatically causing XBMC to shuffle the order of the songs. But sometimes I just want to hear an album front to back.

One option would be to not have XBMC shuffle opened playlists, but then I'd have to manually press shuffle everytime I open a playlist.
Another would be to manually "unshuffle" when I play a single album, but I don't like both. Not that I'm a lazy person, but in the past this hasn't been necessary.

Is there a way around having single albums being loaded into the 'now playing' list?


Shuffle is on the player controls dialog (START) as well.
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Just my luck it isn't in xTV, my current skin of choice... Sad

For now, I'm sticking with the final 2.0.1 release from November, because of the way this works. But I like the new skins!

Any chance of ever seeing the 'randomize' option again? Or any other way of handling albums and playlists? Huh


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"Now playing" blues0