Remote Control

I have an old MCE remote that worked perfectly well with Windows Media Center. Moved to Kodi / Next PVR and it has been pretty bad. The main feature I use is the skip forward. As I can understand, to skip forward 30 seconds (length of commercial), I need to quickly press the button twice. This has not worked well. Often (like 25% of time), the button will stuck (in software) and Kodi will keep skipping forward. This has been quite frustrating to use.

Is there a way to program Kodi to use a single button to skip forward 30 seconds? I've tried the add-ons and they appear to have no effect to change it.

Alternatively, can anyone recommend an inexpensive remote that I can purchase in US?

While not a remote, have you tried Flirc. You can use any remote. It looks like a keyboard to the system so you just program the keys that match Kodi's keyboard controls, like "." (period) to skip forward 30 seconds.
I'm using Flirc on my living room (Windows 8.1) Kodi as well as my master bedroom Kodi (Openelec on ZBox). Works great on both.
What I did for my MCE remote was to uninstall all the addons that tried to change settings for the remote and instead install the custom registrys from this site it makes the remote act like it does windows mce. About the 30 sec skip the latest stable kodi 15.2 has incorporated skip steps, so by pressing the left or right arrow will skip first 10 sec then 30 sec then 1 min. And so on, these can even be customised to what ever you want.

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