START HERE - Pick the Right Kodi Box (updated Dec 2020)
UHD HDR Blurays are uncrackable.
Unless you are heavily invested in providing you own properly encoded HDR content or getting HDR Netflix or Amazon Video from a nVIDIA Shield or similar HDR capable hardware then IMHO it's not worth hitching your media player to the HDR bandwagon.

4K, up scaling and HDR using Android has not been very well implemented if you also want to use a media player for everything else Kodi provides without continually, manually changing Android and Kodi settings.

Even then if you want decent quality 1080p > 4K upscaling on Hardware that is also 4K HDR capable from the likes of Netflix and Amazon, you would actually get superior picture outputs by using those Apps on the 4K HDR TV when you then revert back to streaming normal 1080p DRM content.
The 4K TV in this scenario would be outputting superior quality upscaling, compared to an external media player and you would not have to fiddle about with settings.

If 4K Android media players sellers were serious about high quality picture outputs on 4K TV's they would implement Android App - Auto video resolution switching !
The only Android guys trying this are Amazon with the (non HDR) 4K FireTV2.

The overarching factor at play here is trying to do everything on the one device, which can become a PITA trying to remember settings and implement work arounds to try and get everything to play nice and produce high quality picture outputs on large 4K TV's. This is commonly where the wheels fall off and people end up stuck in the hole called "frustration !" That is found down in the valley of "disappointments !" Wink

There are a bunch of people now that want to dip their toes in the Kodi 4K HDR, HEVC waters without getting burnt. They are simply buying cheap AML S905X Android HDR capable hardware to play around with and running Dual Boot Android / LibreELEC setups. HDR and Android is soon forgotten about then too and LibreELEC Kodi becomes their main media player OS Smile

Messages In This Thread
The right box for me - by tyem - 2016-01-13, 15:29
Jesus Box - by kellyvb - 2016-03-04, 20:18
Thanks for the Help! - by jmc15john - 2016-11-09, 16:44
Jarvis crashes and wipes - by gotthis2000 - 2017-01-10, 22:14
RE: Jarvis crashes and wipes - by nickr - 2017-01-10, 22:58
T95Z Plus Android TV Box - by gooner1971 - 2017-03-17, 13:04
RE: START HERE - Pick the Right Kodi Box (updated April 2017) - by wrxtasy - 2017-05-17, 03:52
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