Rasp Osmc dual screen HDMI + touch screen
Hi all,
I'm running on my Raspberry PI B+ the latest Osmc 2015.11-1 build.

I've just installed the new Element14's 7” Touchscreen Display and I'd like to have both HDMI and Touchscreen active.
My preferred setup would be Touchscreen to control the Osmc/Kodi interface and HDMI to play videos etc.

Could anyone help me with:
- (at least) viewing the same stream on both HDMI and Touchscreen
- (preferred) controlling Kodi with Touchscreen and viewing videos with HDMI


You should ask this in the OSMC forum - I think the answer will be that you cannot have them both (there has been at least one thread about it)
Currently it's not possible to run the Pi / Pi 2 in dual-screen mode with a DSI + HDMI or GPIO DPI/VGA-hack + HDMI for most applications as there isn't a dual frame-buffer implementation AIUI.

It IS possible to run the omxplayer command line player in Raspbian in two-screen mode (i.e. have the desktop on one screen and send omxplayer video output to the other screen) but this isn't the same thing, and isn't part of the Kodi approach AFAIK.

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Rasp Osmc dual screen HDMI + touch screen0