Intel NUC - Skylake (6th Generation CPU)
This is strange play by Intel as Nvidia X1 supports 10bit HEVC 4k decode.
So if you can live with Android its a better choice for a media player. Of course if you need other functions that only a PC can give you then your stuck.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Intel NUC - Skylake (6th Generation CPU) - by Nekromantik - 2015-08-06, 11:40
Skylake-U lineup - by oWarchild - 2015-08-12, 15:09
#Skylake NUCs coming soon - by omnium - 2015-11-02, 13:13
Intel NUC - SkyLake - by _Spook_ - 2016-01-28, 13:47
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Intel NUC - Skylake (6th Generation CPU)1