Intel NUC - Skylake (6th Generation CPU)
It has too much lacking still for me. The majority of my HEVC content (nothing 4K) plays fine on my current boxes, so I'm going to wait for HEVC Main10 and HDMI 2.0 now. Luckily I'm over my "have to buy the latest tech" craze and am again focussed on boxes that do what I want them to do, rather than new toys. Let's see what the next generation brings.

Messages In This Thread
Skylake-U lineup - by oWarchild - 2015-08-12, 15:09
RE: Intel NUC - Skylake (6th Generation CPU) - by DocG - 2015-08-21, 23:23
#Skylake NUCs coming soon - by omnium - 2015-11-02, 13:13
Intel NUC - SkyLake - by _Spook_ - 2016-01-28, 13:47
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Intel NUC - Skylake (6th Generation CPU)1