Video studio scraping
I have video (movies) with local .nfo files. Some of these have more than one studio, for example, 102 Dalmations:

<studio>Cruella Productions</studio>
<studio>Walt Disney Pictures</studio>

When this gets scraped into the videodb it gets entered as
Cruella Productions, Walt Disney Pictures

Is there some reason why the default or specified separator (" / ") isn't used as eg. for genre? As it is the studio table contains a single entry as "Cruella Productions, Walt Disney Pictures" which seems wrong. Or should there only be 1 studio ever allowed in the studio tag? It appears that tmdb scraper studio regex parser only returns the first studio, even though it scrapes for this movie:

"production_companies":[{"name":"Walt Disney Pictures","id":2},{"name":"Cruella Productions","id":10472}]

Update: So I did a test, this time I edited my nfo file as:

<studio>Walt Disney Pictures / Cruella Productions</studio>

and that did work correctly (each studio entered separately), but shouldn't either method (single tag with separator or multiple tags) work equivalently?

scott s.

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