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Win FrontView+ -Info for 2nd Screen - iMon replacement
(2017-12-03, 15:31)NathanJ Wrote: Hi,

First, awesome application, and greatly appreciated update to the imon crap.

I have my PC connected to my main TV in a shared rental house that I have just moved into, so I wanted to have different profiles for myself and my housemate, but didn't want to just create different kodi profiles, but different windows profiles with different privileges so he and his guests wouldn't have admin privileges to mess with my files. So, under Windows 7 I created a new login for him, configured Kodi for him, but frontview wouldn't start (splash screen did, but nothing else).

Kodi kept telling me there was a new stable version, so I updated that, to find that the FV+ remote functionality would no longer connect in my profile, giving an error message of invalid remote settings. Which I double and triple checked and changed in both Kodi and FV+ to make sure were exactly the same. Same result.

So, I reinstalled Windows and upgraded to Windows 8.1, as the only reason I was using Widows 7 was to use imon anyway, so went for a completely fresh start on everything.

Created the user profiles in Windows, installed kodi, and then installed FV+ latest build.

Now, in any profile, the splash screen loads, but no icon on the taskbar (no, it's not being hidden), no FV+ display, but there is a process being run, so it IS loading. Loading FV+ again has the same result, splash screen, a process under task manager, but no display of the FV+ window, and no icon on the task bar.

I just read all 21 pages of this thread to see if there was a solution, and there is no previously mentioned issues such as mine. It is a completely fresh install, so no settings have been loaded to have log files. Using latest (stable) builds of Kodi and most recent FV+ build.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Hi Nathan

Sorry for difficulties - does seem something strange is going on.

Thanks for the log.

The taskbar indicates that front view is running - that is the background process and when no icon/page indicates a low level windows failure to start. The log details the issue - just looking into now. Force close the taskbar instance before restarting.

Check %appdata%/FrontView
Directory for settings file
Can try deleting and rerunning first off

Where have you installed Frontview from? Check the github releases first off.

Hi Nathan

Can’t quite troubleshoot at moment - but think this is likely an installer issue not correctly placing the files in a windows user profile environment.

In the %appdata%/FrontView directory should also be skin/log/cache folders.

The installer has likely placed them somewhere else hence the startup error. If you can find them and move them to where the log is located should be all good I would guess.

(2017-12-03, 22:15)GlennNZ Wrote: Hi Nathan

Sorry for difficulties - does seem something strange is going on.

Thanks for the log.

The taskbar indicates that front view is running - that is the background process and when no icon/page indicates a low level windows failure to start. The log details the issue - just looking into now. Force close the taskbar instance before restarting.

Taskbar is showing no indication. I have pinned it to the task bar rather than keep having to find it in the start menu. Task manager is the only indication that something is actually loading. Even when force closing all instances, then reloading, or restarting the PC even, I get exactly the same error.
(2017-12-03, 22:15)GlennNZ Wrote: Check %appdata%/FrontView
Directory for settings file
Can try deleting and rerunning first off


Shows the skins folder, and the log folder, no settings file. Will uninstall, delete all folders related to it, then download again and re-install.
(2017-12-03, 22:15)GlennNZ Wrote: Where have you installed Frontview from? Check the github releases first off.

That's where I got it from.


I downloaded it from https://github.com/Ghawken/FrontView/releases to be exact Smile
Sorry - meant task manager showing instance.

May have crashed too early to create settings.xml file as yet.

I suspect related to folder permissions; if not frank folder existence as appears to be crashing when can’t find background files (some come from skin). To troubleshoot will have to install windows profiles and see where error lies when can.
Meanwhile could check folder permissions for both the folder above and the program files/FrontView folder.
(could also re-run installer as admininstrator)

(2017-12-04, 06:23)GlennNZ Wrote: Thanks
Sorry - meant task manager showing instance.

May have crashed too early to create settings.xml file as yet.

I suspect related to folder permissions; if not frank folder existence as appears to be crashing when can’t find background files (some come from skin). To troubleshoot will have to install windows profiles and see where error lies when can.
Meanwhile could check folder permissions for both the folder above and the program files/FrontView folder.
(could also re-run installer as admininstrator)

Hi Glenn,

I uninstalled, deleted the installer, restarted PC, deleted all remaining Frontview+ folders, downloaded again, and installed again and it now works with more files and folders in the %appdata%\frontview+ folder. So it was definitely some issue with the install process. The remote setup works, and it works with Kodi... Under my administrative user profile.

So that's most of the problems out of the way.

But... I still can't load it as another Windows user profile. I would like to switch users, so the process would still be running as the first signed on user, up to in my case a maximum of 3 simultaneously logged in users. I have set my PC to perform maintenance tasks like backup, then power down overnight to conserve power while everyone is sleeping, then start up daily at a certain time. This then automatically logs in with my administrative login, with the screen saver / power management set to ask for username and password on exit of screen saver / screen shutdown. This allows me to load programs at boot-up, but still allows my housemate to login without administrative privileges once the screen saver is first activated by switching to his user profile.
So, when I switch to my housemate's profile, it says that there is another instance of FV+ running, and closes the process (which is what it is supposed to do). Obviously with it storing stuff in the %appdata% folder, it was only intended to be used for one user, but that's easily worked around by copying the directory from the first %appdata% folder to the second user's folder, then changing any necessary settings.

Therefore the issue lies with not being able to run multiple instances.

So, my options are to somehow change it referencing the %appdata%/Frontview+ folder to point to a folder that is accessible by all users, then configure every instance of Kodi to have the same remote control settings. Or you would need to change the code to allow for multiple user profiles on the same machine. I can't see any settings files in the program files\FV+ directory to do the first, so I'll have to handball this one back to you.

Ideally I'd like to have 3 user profiles on my Windows PC. My administrative one, my housemates's non-administrative one, and one child profile for when guests have kids and want to only access kid related stuff. I'd like to have all three Windows profiles be able to have the FV+ screen running.

So, there's a new challenge for you Smile


(2017-12-04, 10:29)NathanJ Wrote: ... I still can't load it as another Windows user profile. I would like to switch users, so the process would still be running as the first signed on user, up to in my case a maximum of 3 simultaneously logged in users. I have set my PC to perform maintenance tasks like backup, then power down overnight to conserve power while everyone is sleeping, then start up daily at a certain time. This then automatically logs in with my administrative login, with the screen saver / power management set to ask for username and password on exit of screen saver / screen shutdown. This allows me to load programs at boot-up, but still allows my housemate to login without administrative privileges once the screen saver is first activated by switching to his user profile.
So, when I switch to my housemate's profile, it says that there is another instance of FV+ running, and closes the process (which is what it is supposed to do). Obviously with it storing stuff in the %appdata% folder, it was only intended to be used for one user, but that's easily worked around by copying the directory from the first %appdata% folder to the second user's folder, then changing any necessary settings.

Therefore the issue lies with not being able to run multiple instances.

So, my options are to somehow change it referencing the %appdata%/Frontview+ folder to point to a folder that is accessible by all users, then configure every instance of Kodi to have the same remote control settings. Or you would need to change the code to allow for multiple user profiles on the same machine. I can't see any settings files in the program files\FV+ directory to do the first, so I'll have to handball this one back to you.

Ideally I'd like to have 3 user profiles on my Windows PC. My administrative one, my housemates's non-administrative one, and one child profile for when guests have kids and want to only access kid related stuff. I'd like to have all three Windows profiles be able to have the FV+ screen running.

So, there's a new challenge for you Smile



Hi Nathan,

No such solution is possible I’m afraid.

I think the bigger picture here is you seem (and I’m certainly no expert) to have interesting use of profiles versus user accounts. Unless there is some mis-wording here.

Essentially I believe the correct setup would be to have seperate user accounts that logon/logoff the computer; with only run running at once. FrontView can be setup, installed (with appropriate admin rights) and then run by all user accounts - just not at the same time. Profiles as I understand it are more cross network settings to be applied to multiple computers.

Either way - FrontView can’t run multiple instances. I also don’t think you will find Kodi (certainly Dsplayer version) will run at the same time multiple versions. (To many low level display hooks needed). With Frontview it is not a simple matter of changing directory targets; there are assembly names; process names/Ids; socket connections; remote connections; server/local logons all of which can only be setup once. Sure anything is possible and all that could be retargeted and rewritten to a FrontViewA, FrontViewB etc version but that is a massive amount of work that probably would still fail because of low-level screen display or socket issues.

(2017-12-04, 12:48)GlennNZ Wrote:
(2017-12-04, 10:29)NathanJ Wrote: ... I still can't load it as another Windows user profile. I would like to switch users, so the process would still be running as the first signed on user, up to in my case a maximum of 3 simultaneously logged in users. I have set my PC to perform maintenance tasks like backup, then power down overnight to conserve power while everyone is sleeping, then start up daily at a certain time. This then automatically logs in with my administrative login, with the screen saver / power management set to ask for username and password on exit of screen saver / screen shutdown. This allows me to load programs at boot-up, but still allows my housemate to login without administrative privileges once the screen saver is first activated by switching to his user profile.
So, when I switch to my housemate's profile, it says that there is another instance of FV+ running, and closes the process (which is what it is supposed to do). Obviously with it storing stuff in the %appdata% folder, it was only intended to be used for one user, but that's easily worked around by copying the directory from the first %appdata% folder to the second user's folder, then changing any necessary settings.

Therefore the issue lies with not being able to run multiple instances.

So, my options are to somehow change it referencing the %appdata%/Frontview+ folder to point to a folder that is accessible by all users, then configure every instance of Kodi to have the same remote control settings. Or you would need to change the code to allow for multiple user profiles on the same machine. I can't see any settings files in the program files\FV+ directory to do the first, so I'll have to handball this one back to you.

Ideally I'd like to have 3 user profiles on my Windows PC. My administrative one, my housemates's non-administrative one, and one child profile for when guests have kids and want to only access kid related stuff. I'd like to have all three Windows profiles be able to have the FV+ screen running.

So, there's a new challenge for you Smile



Hi Nathan,

No such solution is possible I’m afraid.

I think the bigger picture here is you seem (and I’m certainly no expert) to have interesting use of profiles versus user accounts. Unless there is some mis-wording here.

Essentially I believe the correct setup would be to have seperate user accounts that logon/logoff the computer; with only run running at once. FrontView can be setup, installed (with appropriate admin rights) and then run by all user accounts - just not at the same time. Profiles as I understand it are more cross network settings to be applied to multiple computers.

Either way - FrontView can’t run multiple instances. I also don’t think you will find Kodi (certainly Dsplayer version) will run at the same time multiple versions. (To many low level display hooks needed). With Frontview it is not a simple matter of changing directory targets; there are assembly names; process names/Ids; socket connections; remote connections; server/local logons all of which can only be setup once. Sure anything is possible and all that could be retargeted and rewritten to a FrontViewA, FrontViewB etc version but that is a massive amount of work that probably would still fail because of low-level screen display or socket issues.

Semantics, but yes, using different "user accounts" (which are exactly the same as user profiles, but as you said, allow for roaming profiles across networks) as it is only on the one PC. I'd rather have different user accounts than different Kodi user profiles so that I can restrict access outside of Kodi as well.

Basically, Kodi and Frontview are being run on the same Windows PC with the 7" touchscreen display built into the PC case. So, it is acting as a HTPC, but also acting as a file server and running Deluge, DuckieTV, and NextPVR. I have a Raspberry Pi in another room, which also has Kodi and accesses the same media files via network shares and uses Trakt to maintain watched status and ratings across the two, and then access the NextPVR to stream TV from the HTPC to the Raspberry Pi's Kodi install.

So, my administrative user account runs those programs, and I want them to continue running when other user accounts are being used, hence the want to switch user accounts rather than log off user accounts. If I duplicate the settings of all of these programs across user accounts then each individual user account would be a possible point of further problems if someone were to change those settings while logged into that user account.
 FYI Kodi (for Windows) has no issues running in this scenario (so far), and allows completely different configuration of settings, kodi profiles, file locations etc, because it also stores that information in the individual user account's %appdata% directory. So the only potential conflict between simultaneously logged in user accounts is accessing the same file at the same time, as it is accessing the files directly from the HTPC's hard drive. Realistically, the computer isn't going to be going to screen saver mode with an open file because Kodi prevents that, and it's exiting the screen saver that triggers the ability to switch user accounts by asking for logon credentials. And no user is going to press Ctrl-Alt-Delete and switch user accounts mid media playback, because I am the only person who will know all the user account passwords to be able to do that.

Probable solution is going to have to be to restrict Frontview+ to one non-administrative user account, and then configure Kodi profiles under that user account and everyone just access Kodi on this PC from that user account. Undecided

Or, I guess do a script that can be run with admin privileges to kill the process, then start it again under the currently logged on user account (which, funnily enough is what I used to do as a scheduled task to stop imon from locking up randomly).

Thanks for your time. If I find a solution, I'll let you know.

(2017-12-04, 14:51)NathanJ Wrote:
(2017-12-04, 12:48)GlennNZ Wrote:
(2017-12-04, 10:29)NathanJ Wrote: ... I still can't load it as another Windows user profile. I would like to switch users, so the process would still be running as the first signed on user, up to in my case a maximum of 3 simultaneously logged in users. I have set my PC to perform maintenance tasks like backup, then power down overnight to conserve power while everyone is sleeping, then start up daily at a certain time. This then automatically logs in with my administrative login, with the screen saver / power management set to ask for username and password on exit of screen saver / screen shutdown. This allows me to load programs at boot-up, but still allows my housemate to login without administrative privileges once the screen saver is first activated by switching to his user profile.
So, when I switch to my housemate's profile, it says that there is another instance of FV+ running, and closes the process (which is what it is supposed to do). Obviously with it storing stuff in the %appdata% folder, it was only intended to be used for one user, but that's easily worked around by copying the directory from the first %appdata% folder to the second user's folder, then changing any necessary settings.

Therefore the issue lies with not being able to run multiple instances.

So, my options are to somehow change it referencing the %appdata%/Frontview+ folder to point to a folder that is accessible by all users, then configure every instance of Kodi to have the same remote control settings. Or you would need to change the code to allow for multiple user profiles on the same machine. I can't see any settings files in the program files\FV+ directory to do the first, so I'll have to handball this one back to you.

Ideally I'd like to have 3 user profiles on my Windows PC. My administrative one, my housemates's non-administrative one, and one child profile for when guests have kids and want to only access kid related stuff. I'd like to have all three Windows profiles be able to have the FV+ screen running.

So, there's a new challenge for you Smile



Hi Nathan,

No such solution is possible I’m afraid.

I think the bigger picture here is you seem (and I’m certainly no expert) to have interesting use of profiles versus user accounts. Unless there is some mis-wording here.

Essentially I believe the correct setup would be to have seperate user accounts that logon/logoff the computer; with only run running at once. FrontView can be setup, installed (with appropriate admin rights) and then run by all user accounts - just not at the same time. Profiles as I understand it are more cross network settings to be applied to multiple computers.

Either way - FrontView can’t run multiple instances. I also don’t think you will find Kodi (certainly Dsplayer version) will run at the same time multiple versions. (To many low level display hooks needed). With Frontview it is not a simple matter of changing directory targets; there are assembly names; process names/Ids; socket connections; remote connections; server/local logons all of which can only be setup once. Sure anything is possible and all that could be retargeted and rewritten to a FrontViewA, FrontViewB etc version but that is a massive amount of work that probably would still fail because of low-level screen display or socket issues.

Semantics, but yes, using different "user accounts" (which are exactly the same as user profiles, but as you said, allow for roaming profiles across networks) as it is only on the one PC. I'd rather have different user accounts than different Kodi user profiles so that I can restrict access outside of Kodi as well.

Basically, Kodi and Frontview are being run on the same Windows PC with the 7" touchscreen display built into the PC case. So, it is acting as a HTPC, but also acting as a file server and running Deluge, DuckieTV, and NextPVR. I have a Raspberry Pi in another room, which also has Kodi and accesses the same media files via network shares and uses Trakt to maintain watched status and ratings across the two, and then access the NextPVR to stream TV from the HTPC to the Raspberry Pi's Kodi install.

So, my administrative user account runs those programs, and I want them to continue running when other user accounts are being used, hence the want to switch user accounts rather than log off user accounts. If I duplicate the settings of all of these programs across user accounts then each individual user account would be a possible point of further problems if someone were to change those settings while logged into that user account.
 FYI Kodi (for Windows) has no issues running in this scenario (so far), and allows completely different configuration of settings, kodi profiles, file locations etc, because it also stores that information in the individual user account's %appdata% directory. So the only potential conflict between simultaneously logged in user accounts is accessing the same file at the same time, as it is accessing the files directly from the HTPC's hard drive. Realistically, the computer isn't going to be going to screen saver mode with an open file because Kodi prevents that, and it's exiting the screen saver that triggers the ability to switch user accounts by asking for logon credentials. And no user is going to press Ctrl-Alt-Delete and switch user accounts mid media playback, because I am the only person who will know all the user account passwords to be able to do that.

Probable solution is going to have to be to restrict Frontview+ to one non-administrative user account, and then configure Kodi profiles under that user account and everyone just access Kodi on this PC from that user account. Undecided

Or, I guess do a script that can be run with admin privileges to kill the process, then start it again under the currently logged on user account (which, funnily enough is what I used to do as a scheduled task to stop imon from locking up randomly).

Thanks for your time. If I find a solution, I'll let you know.

 Good Luck.

I suspect you'll run into other problems having multiple instances running; particularly with multiple logged in users.

An alternative may be to run each administrator task as a service under Administrator user  (although there does seem like you have a few).  Then have one logged in limited user running everything.

But as I said - good luck finding a solution

Hello @GlennNZ 

Great work you did here.

I own a silverstone gd02b-mt. And frontview+ is really the kind of usage i like for the front screen.

Unfortunately i have some issues and proposal of improvements.

So first of all my issue :

Everything thing seems fine when i choose the display the resolution and so one. In fact frontview+ works as expected. But once i close frontview+ an restart it (or after a reboot) it effectively shows on the good screen but it seems like there is an issue in the resolution Frontview+ seems streched and i only see a part of the top left corner. I tried setting the resolution in the settings, i tried setting to true the "notdetectresolution" but whatever i do the issue is here. One interesting thing i can note is that if i go into frontview and click save everything goes to normal ...... until i reboot or restart. 

Have you any idea or hint for me (i must add that there is no dpi change in windows 10 on that screen, it is set to 100%)

So now some ideas of improvements.

I am a developper but i'm not really frindly on windows developpmenent or Xaml. But as lots of people written on this kinf of screen the time and elapsed time (as if guess is the most important) is barely readable. But i have an idea, instead of trying to size anything with lots of options and for sure not convenient for everyone. I said in my mind why not create another skin.
And there is where i need your help just to give the start.

Let's imagine i would like while somethink is playing the fanart in background The logo ON top and only the remaining time written and going trough all the screen. Do you have any example of something doable.

I think instead of trying to size everythink, skins are the way to go. Something like a skin without any controls but only informations (current time and remaining time for example)
Another skin for people who only wants arts and so on

Im willing to create some skins by modifying others but i would just like a start.

In fact in my usage and the usage of the screen i need. I would like in BIG the informations of time and weather (when nothing is playing)  and while something is playing something like  fanart in background logo and informations about remaining time.

And finally do you guess something is makable for rom collection browser, like showing the fanart of the game playing.

Regards Thanks for your answer
Forger about the first issue

I solved it by activating the compatibility option on the exe (right click compatibility)

"Do not resize on Big résolution"

Dont know in english because im french but something like that.
Thanks for your work on this - I've just acquired a small touch screen monitor and am thinking of using it (via usb) as a media center control screen with a bigger secondary screen for actual content.
FrontView+ works perfectly for that purpose, but it'd be great to incorporate additional features like the ability to initiate Skype/Hangouts calls, maybe by inserting another box under Movies/TV.

The problem is that I am technically illiterate. I downloaded the source code, but I have no idea where to begin adding these features.  I can see this being a brilliant piece of software, using a tablet on the coffee table to control the screen, but I'd need to work out how to add this and/or other features in the future.

Do you have any pointers on where I can at least attempt to add this? And am I clear on what I'm trying to achieve, because I realise that I'm basically trying to turn my living room into a conference room!

Thanks again for your work man.
i have installed frontview+ with kodi again and it is working well so far.

if i play a recorded tv file then frontview only displays the name of the file and shows a black background. is this right like this or is there maybe an option for displaying a fanart for the tv show with fetching it from an internet database or so?

if i play a live tv channel then in the background it shows tv channel logo. right?
first of all, awesome application! Thank you for your great job. Just because of your application I´m running Kodi on Windows and I have reactivated a HTPC case with a build in display.

To increase the WAF I have to start Kodi playing a radio stream from radio plugin. I have realized this using the Partymode Autostart addon. To choose the radio stream to play at start up I´m able to choose one of the radio stations which I saved before as a favorit or I might select a playlist. I tried both options, but however the station logo will not be shown on the FrontView+ screen. If I start a radio station from within the radio addon then the station logo is well shown on the FrontView+ screen.

So my question is: Is there any solution, to start a radio stream from radio addon at Kodi startup so that the station logo will be shown on the FrontView+ screen?

Thanx for each help!
(2018-03-18, 00:51)tabesp Wrote: Hi,
first of all, awesome application! Thank you for your great job. Just because of your application I´m running Kodi on Windows and I have reactivated a HTPC case with a build in display.

To increase the WAF I have to start Kodi playing a radio stream from radio plugin. I have realized this using the Partymode Autostart addon. To choose the radio stream to play at start up I´m able to choose one of the radio stations which I saved before as a favorit or I might select a playlist. I tried both options, but however the station logo will not be shown on the FrontView+ screen. If I start a radio station from within the radio addon then the station logo is well shown on the FrontView+ screen.

So my question is: Is there any solution, to start a radio stream from radio addon at Kodi startup so that the station logo will be shown on the FrontView+ screen?

Thanx for each help!
Hi Thanks

Basically it works if streaming a radiostream from plugin and shows the correct station Logo; but not if within Party Mode?

On my testing if I enable Party Mode - I get correct backdrops (with library music)

It'll be a issue with the radio plugin not sending fanart information when in Party Mode I suspect. 

What radio plugin?
If you enable Party Mode from with the radio setting what happens?

If super keen could post debug/trace log from working and not working (will be quite large) and I'll try to have a look. 

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