Win Menu Popup During Video Playback
Hi All,

Did a search on this, couldn't find anything similar.

I am having sporadic issues where the menu (equivalent to hitting ESC or right-clicking during playback) pops up during video playback without any action. Sometimes it happens once in 30 minutes, sometimes as frequent as every 2 minutes, or anything in between. It has seemed to ramp up lately.

I'm running Kodi 15.2, with a Logitech 650 Harmony and Flirc receiver. I've tried replacing the remote batteries, and taking the remote batteries out during playback, no noticeable change. I'm guessing next logical thing is to test with the IR Receiver out, but even if I isolate that that is the problem, not quite sure what the cause/fix would be.

Any thoughts?
Sounds like something is sporadically sending a signal. Drop all the remote stuff (as if a keybaord/mouse was the only input) and see what's up... Nothing happens, then it's down to the remote & flirc, which may just come down to the pattern you've chosen. FLIRC (wiki)
Yep my mate has had this with a harmony remote be it an older cheap £30ish quid version but it was sending random commands without him touching the buttons especially TAB and ESC.

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