v16 music menu
Hi guys, maybe I'm just losing it, but I'm sure a few months ago I used to be able to select music from the main menu and straight away be in file view and be able to see the folders of what I've added. But recently, now if i just select music it goes to genres, artists, albums, singles, etc etc etc. And on the main menu under music, there's artists, albums, songs files, library, add-ons. So i'm going to music, then down to files.

Not that big of a deal, but I'm sure I used to be able to just go over to music select it and straight away be in file view. Or have I had some kind of stroke :p

And is there away to make it that if i enter on the main music it goes straight into file view?
I believe what happened was a decision was made to have music work like video, with the main access via the music library. I think to get what you want, you need a skin that supports custom menus.

scott s.

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