WeTek Play2 - 4K PVR - HD Audio - Dual Boot - Specs & Reviews
I have the first WeTek Play and think it is sad that their standard Android firmware use the TV tuner via Kodi’s PVR API and Kodi's built-in GUI for Live TV and EPG functions, even with the Android firmware for the newer WeTek Play2 / WeTek Play2S.

Wish that there was a native (binary) PVR client addon for Kodi that could access the TV tuner directly or a PVR backend that fully supported running natively on Android.

Think best thing would be if PVR backends supported Android TV input framework and could run as service applications on Android so Kodi could access tuners through them.

Yes I know that we can just run OpenELEC but I want/need to run Android as OS to use the Netflix app and more apps that runs on Android. And yes I know that an alternative is to run the PVR backend on NAS or Raspberry Pi, but that does not change the fact that these WeTek Play/Play2/PlayS2 boxes have an integrated TV tuner (that was already paid for) and I want to ulitize that integrated TV tuner from within Kodi when running on Android, without lauching and external app or running Linux.

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RE: WeTek's ** New ** AMLogic Mediaplayers - 2016 - CabSat - Dubai - by RockerC - 2016-03-14, 09:13
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WeTek Play2 - 4K PVR - HD Audio - Dual Boot - Specs & Reviews11