Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Release NHK World Japan Live
New video add-on for NHK World Japan Live.
Hi-def NHK World Live feed with EPG.

As per the NHK World Japan website:

The Aims of NHK WORLD
  • To provide both domestic and international news to the world accurately and promptly.
  • To present information on Asia from various perspectives, making the best use of NHK's global network.
  • To serve as a vital information lifeline in the event of major accidents and natural disasters.
  • To present broadcasts with great accuracy and speed on many aspects of Japanese culture and lifestyles, recent developments in society and politics, the latest scientific and industrial trends, and Japan's role and opinions regarding important global issues.
  • To foster mutual understanding between Japan and other countries and promote friendship and cultural exchange.

V3.0.1 in my git:

If you have installed my test repo:

You should get an "auto-update" or "update available" message, depending on your "auto-update" setting. You may need to do a "Check for updates" to see the new version.

A pull request for the repo has been made, should be available in a few days.
I'm kind of a newb and trying to add the stream to my Kodi. I've tried a few different ways and nothing seems to work.
Nice to see this in the feed today. I've been using a Start menu tile with a shortcut to open NHK World in Firefox on a Win8.1 machine, then full-screening it. But nice to have one more thing conveniently in Kodi like this.
(2016-03-14, 00:46)Gregs1213 Wrote: I'm kind of a newb and trying to add the stream to my Kodi. I've tried a few different ways and nothing seems to work.

Use the add-on,the stream changes frequently.
I tried downloading and installing from zip and get the message "Add-on does not have the correct structure".
(2016-03-14, 05:02)Gregs1213 Wrote: I tried downloading and installing from zip and get the message "Add-on does not have the correct structure".
You should just install the add-on from the repo. Settings->add-ons>install from repository. It's under video add-ons in the repo.
Program list didn't update when opening the addon, only updated then I started the stream. Also it doesn't pick up fanart and program icons anymore, stream still works.
V3.0.4 fixes fanart and thumb problems. A PR has been put in for the repo, should update in a few days.
Hi, I'm looking for this addon, but I don't have "install from repository" option on my 14.2.
I did a search, but all I found is NHK radio addon.
Does this addon has NHK VOD and JIBTV also?

thank you
Add-on requires Isengard or above.
Is there any nhk world hd stream on the web outside of kodi?
(2016-06-13, 21:49)markontije Wrote: Is there any nhk world hd stream on the web outside of kodi?
The NHK website has the HD streams. You need to enable them and have enough bandwidth to support them
I would like to have this NHK stuff up and running learningit but am still a novice on some things on kodi. If the add-on is working, can you give the steps on making this work? Help please.
Install from the repo. See:
Add-ons (wiki)

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