No log file
Sorry I am not a native english speaking and it is my first post in this forum.

I am a newby, I have a raspberry PI3 with Kodi/openelec(6.0.3 version) installed on it.
Everythings is fine except when I am trying to use it with my NAS in order to have all films informations in a common database.
1- I have installed MariaDb and Mysql on the NAS and they are activated
2 - I have created an advancedsettings.xml file with all relevant information (Host, user, password, IP....) and put it on my Raspberry in /.Kodi/userdata/ directory

When I want to check what is happening, no log file. I have activated the log in the rasberry but the system telling me that the file is in directory /Storage/.kodi/... but no such Storage directory I have no log file to identify the issue

Any idea to help me?
That directory should exist.. how are you looking for it?

Note that in Linux any folder starting with a . is hidden.

If you are on the command line, you would need to use

ls -a

.. to show hidden files.
I am connecting to the Pi with SSH (Putty). I am already abble to see all hidden directories and files.
I am able to go into userdata which is located in /.Kodi/ directory
Nothing in /.kodi/temp ?
In putty, if you type

cd /

followed by

ls -al

what do you see? Can you post a screen-grab or a copy/paste of the resulting list of files and folders?

If I remember correctly, on the Pi the root user's default home directory is /storage, which should contain the .kodi (plus several other) folders in it.
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Kodi Blog Posts
(2016-03-18, 10:06)Freddy92 Wrote: When I want to check what is happening, no log file. I have activated the log in the rasberry but the system telling me that the file is in directory /Storage/.kodi/... but no such Storage directory I have no log file to identify the issue
Any idea to help me?

/Storage does exist, its the directory you start in when you SSH into the Pi. So to get to the log file its :-

cd .kodi
cd temp

ls should show the "kodi.log" file. You can read it on your Pi with
cat kodi.log|less

Learning Linux the hard way !!
For an easy life just install winscp, you can browse the folders on the pi in a gui that's familiar to anyone who's used to windows, and move stuff to and from your pc with a couple of mouse clicks. So you can see at a glance exactly what's in the storage/.kodi folder, and view or copy your logfile (or anything else).
Or even easier (once set up) make a samba.conf file in a text editor and you never have to leave windows explorer to look at /move files around.
I generally use putty to start / stop kodi if it's necessary, then do what I want to do in explorer.

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