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Beta Spotify for Kodi

Yes, unfortunately one of the updated dependencies (jaraco.text) required another supposedly standard python module (importlib.resources) that is not available with the python packaged in Windows Kodi.

I've removed some unused code in jaraco.text that depended on importlib.resources and tested the updated spotify plugin 1.3.0 on Windows 10. It worked OK for me.

I've updated both https://github.com/glk1001/glk1001.github.io and https://github.com/glk1001/plugin.audio.spotify
Thank you very much. Now it works again in Windows. I notice that the tracks in the playlist "Discover weekly" are not the same as in my online account. Can you check this and do you plan to improve the app further such as shorter loading times between playing tracks? 
HTPC: Windows 10 Pro 22H2, Zalman HD135, Intel i3-7100, GTX 1070, UHD ASUS BW-16D1HT
NAS: Xpenology 7.2 Update 1, Intel i5-6600
Have you tried "refresh listing" when you're in the Discover Weekly playlist?

I will keep looking at things that can be improved.
I use kodi nexus on android. There I installed spotify 1.3.0  but the list stays empty. No directory or albums or artists. I filled in the credentials but it does not work.

023-08-11 23:26:03.134 T:5466 info : plugin.audio.spotify:utils:get_token --> b"Couldn't request authentication token. Username/password error? If you're using a facebook account with Spotify, make sure to generate a device account/password in the Spotify accountdetails."

now I got 1.2.0 to work but it is not playing tracks:
023-08-11 23:53:20.003 T:7395    error <general>: CCurlFile::CReadState::FillBuffer - (0x7b05dfa600) Failed: Transferred a partial file(18)
2023-08-11 23:53:20.004 T:7395    error <general>: CFileCache:Tonguerocess - <http://localhost:52308/track/1gzBeXQXT8ZECNtdZrl8uc/449.293> source read didn't return any data

got an advanced error log in kodi log:

error for spotify 1.3.0, no track list/empty directory: 
The issue seems to be with the 'Spotty' binary which is the thing that requests tracks from Spotify to get played by Kodi. As far as I know Spotty does not work on Android. I've asked the Spotty author to confirm this.
deleted comment
Thanks for the info. That is to bad if that is the case.

I've just updated the Spotify plugin to version 1.3.5. It includes a fix for long delays between tracks when
playing a playlist. And a fix for the wrong spotty binary binary being used on Arm64 devices. (Thanks hsteininger.)

I simplified the code quite a lot and managed to remove the rather large 'cherrypy' dependency and supporting files,
and replaced it with the smaller 'bottle' web app manager.

Also I've recently discovered that because this plugin uses 'librespot - spotty', whenever a track is played it
is not reported back to Spotify as played. This is an outstanding issue with librespot since early 2021. This is
not ideal for two reasons:

1) The artists aren't getting their royalities,
2) Spotify doesn't know what you're listening to, so can't give useful recommendations.

I've added a clunky workaround for this. There is a now a "My Recently Played Playlist" setting, that if enabled
(by having a non-empty string as the setting), will save all played tracks to the 'My Recently Played' playlist
(or whatever named playlist you've chosen). Then, at a later date, on another device with an official Spotify app,
you can just play this playlist to update Spotify's recently played tracks.
The problem on andriod is at version 1.2.0 it goes to the spotify login screen. At version 1.3.5 it does not. That is why the library directory stays empty and you got a login error. So in deed I think spotify on android is not working sadly enough.

I tested in windows 11. There also no login screen to spotify and also login error.
Can you show me the Kodi log for Windows 11 please. I tested on Windows 10.
https://paste.kodi.tv/mufitowuvo.kodi windows11 kodi 21 (because nexus did not work well)

https://paste.kodi.tv/tejudoyise.kodi windows11 kodi Nexus
So the log had this: "Failed to create session or connect to servers" which came from the Spotty exe having trouble talking to Spotify.

Can you restart Kodi, or ideally restart Windows and try again. Send me the log if it fails.
I just tried 1.3.5 on a Windows 11 virtual machine and Spotify connected and worked OK.
Hmm I have after reboot still same errors:

I downloaded spotify now directly from spotify and not from the store and now I am in, it is working
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