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Beta Spotify for Kodi

Thanks. I added your Spanish translations and tested them using the Kodi language addons. They seem OK (I trust your Spanish.)

For Spotify 'Explorer' I get this:


The English words are the Spotify categories which come through the python 'spotipy' library. Not sure how to adjust language for these.

Changed kodi font to arial based and the characters show correct. They are all arabic words. Dont know where es_ar (spanish) gets confused to ar (arabic). Could be the plugin or spotify related.

I have the latest spotify addon installed (1.3.9) under LibreElec 11.0.4 on a raspberry PI 4b and while login works, i cannot play any file (Playback Failed).

Below, you can find my log file.


Thank you for your time.

[mod edit] Please don't dump log files in the forum, use a public pastebin.
@vitamineb Log file instructions.
Sorry, I was not aware of this rule. However, the problem is still valid. 

I'll upload log file correctly next time.
Sorry, I was not aware of this rule. However, the problem is still valid. 

I'll upload log file correctly next time.
Looks like some network issues. The Spotify plugin at one point failed with the network error "gaierror: Temporary failure in name resolution". Not sure how to investigate this. Can you test some other plugins that use your network. For example, I noticed the weather plugin was failing too.
Yeah, I used MilkDrop2 all the time. It's classical and can produce good visual effects when enjoying music in Spotify. Apart from MilkDrop2, VSXu Ultra Artiste is also a good music visualizer [url].

[mode edit] Please don't URL link with software that trips our verboten list.
Hello, I tried again your addon and it leads to the same result (but not to the temporary name resolution failure)

Other addons such as Netflix and Amazon Prime video work fine. 

Thank you for your time !
Hi, Can you give me another log please. If you can turn debug on that would be good.

Here it is:


Thanks for your time Smile
Hi, Thanks for the log. The spotify plugin is failing with the network error "gaierror: Temporary failure in name resolution". This is at plugin initialization so the plugin will have localhost connection problems from that point on. I noticed that LCDproc is failng too, whether that is a clue or not.

This is a bit tricky to figure out - there just isn't enough information. What device are you using?

Is anyone else using LibreELEC on an ARM device?

I found the solution to that problem. Just add the following line to the hosts file: localhost

And it works great.

Best regards and thanks for your time !
Hi just wanted to say a big THANK YOU to glk1001 for maintaining and updating this plugin!

That being said, bringing back Connect would be awesome, same use case as was mentioned before: easy control without TV and switching speakers.

The more I think about it, the less I am convinced the connect feature is a good match for this plugin. Apart from using the same librespot binaries, there is not much common with the aims of this plugin, IMHO.
I have installed RaSpotify meanwhile and it works reasonably well. The only missing part is integration with Kodi - if you start e.g. movie in Kodi without manually stopping spotify music first, you run into problems. Kodi does not know the music is playing, it will not display even playing indication, even less any song info. Having a plugin which manages communication between librespot and kodi, so kodi can stop playback and maybe even show some song info would be IMHO enough for my use case. I am not sure how big is the overlap of functionality with this plugin, though...
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Spotify for Kodi17