xlink kai
I am trying to figure out why when I connect to xlink kai I can see all the games and people playing the games, but when I try to chat with the people, join a game or just leave it alone for a min or 2 I get “service has disconnected” on the xbox and “you are unreachable” on the pc.

I have my xbox hookup through my router and I can ftp to the xbox and have workgroup on the xbox for accesing files on my pc and it works fine. If you can help please let me know.
its you isn't it trevor?Tongue
no one isn't replying cuz you are posting this in the wrong section
Hi trevor...there is an entire section here at XBMC dedicated to XLink. I'm not sure whether you have tried a search yet to see if someone else has posted the same questions in the past?

Try that, and if not then I'm sure someone will have the answer!
moved it.
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