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adblink 6.2 Windows/Mac/Linux Companion for Kodi
Hi Jocala, hoping you can help me pls.

I'm new to FS and it's the new FS MAX OS8 I have unfortunately. 

Reading your info here ADB Android 11 does it mean that I can only backup from an existing backup (which I don't have obviously) OR it can also be a fresh Kodi install on my pc that I backup using AdbLink and then wipe Kodi date on my FS and restore the backup to FS via AdbLink?


Version 6.1

File manager dialog geometry saved between sessions.

Start program dialog: The Start program choice is now saved between sessions

Stop program dialog: The Stop program choice is now saved between sessions

Send text to device: Send text string to active input field on connected device

Quest headset (beta): Change various settings on the Quest headset. Tested with Quest 2/3.
Changes are not persistent, and are cleared by rebooting the device.
adbLink The Kodi Companion. Available for Windows, Mac & Linux.
(2024-02-20, 04:20)Flashback. Wrote: Hi Jocala, hoping you can help me pls.

I'm new to FS and it's the new FS MAX OS8 I have unfortunately. 

Reading your info here ADB Android 11 does it mean that I can only backup from an existing backup (which I don't have obviously) OR it can also be a fresh Kodi install on my pc that I backup using AdbLink and then wipe Kodi date on my FS and restore the backup to FS via AdbLink?


Missed this post, sorry.  You can indeed restore your PC's Kodi backup to the firestick.
adbLink The Kodi Companion. Available for Windows, Mac & Linux.
Telekom Box has been updated to Android 12. I try to save the new kodi installation, but I get "org.xbmc.kodi not installed".
What could be the problem?
(adblink 6.1)

Telekom Box has been updated to Android 12. I try to save the new kodi installation, but I get "org.xbmc.kodi not installed".
What could be the problem?
(adblink 6.1)
(2024-04-23, 15:38)szilard Wrote: Hi,
Telekom Box has been updated to Android 12. I try to save the new kodi installation, but I get "org.xbmc.kodi not installed".
What could be the problem?
(adblink 6.1)

I'd try a reinstall of Kodi, then follow up with a restore of your backup.  If need be, feel free to add details.
adbLink The Kodi Companion. Available for Windows, Mac & Linux.
Thanks, it's ok now.
So sorry for the repetative question. New 4k max version 2. (Long time stick / kodi user with backups) I use kodi backup 
I have my new 4kmax stick working with abdlink latest version.. needing to install kodi. 

is the process , install kodi , then don't launch kodi , and restore a backup using abdlink?? 

do I need to do more with permissions,  or if using adb restore they are automatic? (Either for kodi, or other apps like file explorers, downloader)
thanks so much for your time , very much appreciated.

(i ended up installing kodi using abdlink, then immediately restored a backup using abdlink as well... seems to have worked)

I recently purchased a Firestick 4K Max 16GB and cannot access the Android/data/kodi folder. The .kodi folder is not present. According to information from [this link](http://www.jocala.com/android11.html), I need to move my sdcard/kodi_data outside the /android folder.

Could you please explain if other users have successfully done this, and how I should proceed? I have downloaded adblink 6.1 on my MacBook Air.
Thank you,
I have an TV with Android 12. I read the page on your website about the method adbLink uses to resolve file access issues as of Android 11. I just wanted to confirm before downloading/installing/etc if this still works with 12 (which I've heard is even more locked down) and I'd be able to successfully backup and restore Kodi?


P.S. Is there a portable version of adbLink?
I'm replying to my own post above (based on what I learned on XDA Forums where jocala is still active) in case the answers help others:

Regarding Android 12+ = "The work-around using /sdcard/xbmc_env.properties still works if it's needed due to sandboxing." 

Regarding if there's a way to use adbLink as a portable app = "Sorry, no."
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