WeTek Hub - 24p HD Netflix - HD Kodi Audio - 10bit HEVC - Lollipop - 4K
I bought the wetek hub I based on what I've heard here and because my odRoid c1+ had died. It arrived today and it looks very smart.

In the back of my mind is to install wrxstasy llibreelec build but until the SD card arrives I thought I would give the android out of the box experience a go.

The userability is awful, after booting being a google account holder I wanted to log in, trying to identify where the cursor is is almost impossible. You have to activate e mouse pointer and then laboriously scroll around e screen entering log in names and passwords.

When you try and use the play store you will pull your teeth out!

I'm sure at I will get this sorted how I like it but my first impression from a non technical standpoint is this device is a mess. If I gave one of ease to my mother and said don't worry I it is just like your phone she would be raging at me down he phone.

Apologies if I upset anyone but this device on the face of my first few hours from user point of view is shocking.

Sorry rant over.

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RE: WeTek Hub - 24p HD Netflix - HD Kodi Audio - 10bit HEVC - Lollipop - 4K - by gredawarha - 2016-07-21, 01:31
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WeTek Hub - 24p HD Netflix - HD Kodi Audio - 10bit HEVC - Lollipop - 4K3