v17 [solved]Alpha 2 - Loading of playlist in music libary takes very long
(2016-07-06, 19:29)DaveBlake Wrote: So it was all about cache.... Smile

Basically the update instructions for when installing a different version of Kodi over an existing install need to say "delete any cache files". I have no idea what wiki this could go in, perhaps someone else can deal with that?

Now I hope you can enjoy trying out v17

I can add that to the right pages, but that really should be handled by Kodi internally. Platforms such as Android update automatically, and even for other platforms, most users won't read the wiki if they've already done an update in the past. Maybe someone on the team has an idea about how to handle such migrations when v17 does a first run?

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RE: Alpha 2 - Loading of playlist in music libary takes very long - by Ned Scott - 2016-07-07, 02:23
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[solved]Alpha 2 - Loading of playlist in music libary takes very long0