v17 video corruption
Noticed this happened a few times now. I'm using a Asus Chromebox running LibreElec, pretty basic setup.

Example here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2gMOK1tDy8

sometimes it takes a restart to get rid of it. Seen it happen various video types (including live TV), so don't think it's something specific to the source, however it happens consistently with playback involved, so suspect it's something to do with VideoPlayer.
I have never seen this on any of my boxes. How often does this happen?
"sometimes"? Hard to say relative to usage. I've been trying to see if I can find a pattern. So far one vector to get it to happen seems to be playing with menu's while some SD video is playing in the background. Seems at least semi-reproducable. I'll try again this evening with some video running, see if I can get it to happen on video.
I've been playing and trying to isolate this further. Lately noticing it *starts* when MPEG4/XVID 592x448 video is playing and navigating menu's.

Did you enable hw acceleration for mpeg4? If you I would try with it disabled.
Ok, let me try that and see if it happens again over the next day or two.
Turned off all video acceleration. Seemed fine until video ended and another video autoplayed, that's when it started again.
Even more info: went back into settings to re-enable hardware acceleration since having it disabled did nothing but spike my CPU. That instantly fixed it, at least for the moment.
Latest Kodi in latest LibreElec doesn't seem to be exhibiting this behavior, so it's possibly fixed, or at the very least certainly occurring less often.

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