v16 Music video fanart not working properly
I am running Linux Mint 18 64 bit with Kodi 16.1 (Git:c327c53), and I am having an issue with the Music Video fan art/ thumbnails. I tend to browse my Music Videos in the Artist mode and I use the "nfo" option for my scraper. After I made sure my Music library had completed fan art and thumbnails for each Artist, I went to check my Music Videos library. For some artists, random thumbnails without fan art will appear no matter what the artwork is used by the Music library. On others, no art will be shown. Each music video has its own nfo file, example:

   <title>Las De La Intucion</title>
   <album>Fijación Oral Vol. 1</album>

To fix this, I have made sure that the Artist Name and the Album Title are the same in the nfo file for the music video and the ID3 tag on the Music. I removed the affected music videos from my library, deleted them from my machine, and cleaned the library using the tool in the settings menu. After scanning them back in, there was no change.

Is there something I am missing? Please let me know if you require any further information. Thank you for your help.
And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music. - Friedrich Nietzsche

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Music video fanart not working properly0