Win Exiting and Re-starting Issues
I run Kodi 16.1 on an NUC5i5RYH and Windows 10. It all works perfectly but I have an observation (not a problem) which someone may be able to explain.

At the end of each day I do a complete shut down then at the beginning of the next use I launch CCleaner. The issue has nothing to do with this program, it is merely the source of my observation.

So, if I exit from Kodi using the second option of "Power shut down" then on restarting as described above the text in CCleaner is fuzzy. However, if I exit from Kodi using the Exit option thereby going back to Windows and then use the Windows Shutdown command, upon restarting the text in CCleaner is needle sharp.

There are other differences, one of which is that in the former case the Favourites section in Internet Explorer is small but in the latter case Favourites is large.

Does anyone know why Kodi is having this effect on Windows?

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