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A good source for tested recipes is The Food Lab. Unraveling the mysteries of home cooking through science! But I'm not sure how the ins and outs of copyright apply to using their recipes.
(2018-02-04, 19:26)docwra Wrote:
(2018-02-04, 16:49)ahmedhussain Wrote: Infact it would be great if the category api also returns the image urls.. That would be awesome! Big Grin
Ok good ideas, get good results Smile

 Thank you Smile ... Works like a charm... Image sizes can be a bit big though.. Awesome work Sir! Smile Smile
Hi @docwra,

I looked at the following service api,

And found that this has multiple recipe Ingredient fields in JSON. Smile
I think this can be changed; Return ingredients in a JSON Array. This strategy will reduce the amount of fields coming back in JSON. Each array element can have an ingredient along with its quantity as an object.

So instead of strIngredient1: "penne rigate", and strMeasure1: "1 pound"

I'll have something coming back like this,

  Ingredient {
    strIngredient: "penne rigate"
    strMeasure: "1 pound"
    strThumb: ""

Is there a possibility to change the API? 


I looked at the following service api,

And found that this has multiple recipe Ingredient fields in JSON. Smile
I think this can be changed; Return ingredients in a JSON Array. This strategy will reduce the amount of fields coming back in JSON. Each array element can have an ingredient along with its quantity as an object.

So instead of strIngredient1: "penne rigate", and strMeasure1: "1 pound"

I'll have something coming back like this,

  Ingredient {
    strIngredient: "penne rigate"
    strMeasure: "1 pound"
    strThumb: ""

Is there a possibility to change this API?
Yep that is something I have considered but this feature may come to v2 of the API.

For now I cannot break the API for other users, but it will be upgraded in the future with v2.

One last thing I noticed was that all the objects for any JSON are wrapped around meals array. 

For e.g,

The response for Recipe Details is wrapped in an array, which can be avoided because, for one recipe, you can only have one recipe detail/instructions. But if you were thinking differently, please set me straight. Smile
YoutubeUrl is missing in the search API,

Can we please have the YoutubeUrl added?

That meal was just missing a video, not all meals have a video.

I have added it for now.

Trying to load Images through Picasso in my code for Android application. One thing I noticed was that all the images are missing "https://" prefix. I am adding "https://" prefix manually to each image. can we please add the right prefixes to the json?

@OtherDevs: Remember to add a prefix "https://" instead of "http://". 3rd party libs may not be able to handle the 301 redirects.

Thank you.
Yes this was a recent change, that I meant to fix last week. I will fix on Monday.
Filter recipe by name/id contains a strYoutube in JSON for videos link. Some of urls are non youtube Urls which can mislead allot of developers to think that its only youtube videos urls here. For the future reference if this can be changed to something different that would be great.

For e.g:
Here is the URL for Recipe, "Bread and Butter Pudding",
This is from NY Times. Would need an account to get a video. 

Another thing is Youtube Mobile APIs only needs the video Id. For example, This will reduce the work of extracting the ids for other developers. Not sure, how this will work for other video urls but I am just thinking out loud to perhaps divide and conquer. youtubeVideoId can contain videoIds for youtube and there can be a separate videoUrl which can contain video urls which are non youtube.
Links should be all fixed now, I have added some new recipes as well.
(2018-03-03, 14:51)docwra Wrote: Links should be all fixed now, I have added some new recipes as well.
 Please see the following Recipe,

This still contains NYtimes Url, i.e.
Thanks, fixed. Hopefully there are not any more.

I will add some URL checking to the strYoutube field to prevent that kind of mistake.
I also completed the recipes that were missing videos. All recipes should now have a youtube vid.

Thanks for the feedback.
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