PVR with better support for OTA EPG in USA

I've used NextPVR with OTA. The program guide is pretty poor. My TV will get better data than NextPVR via EPG. Is there a PVR that does a better job (probably have to switch to each channel in the background to update EPG)?

Or is there an add-on that does get some update from somewhere for free?

The OTA EPG is next to useless in North America. The majority of people use Schedules Direct, which gives you a few weeks of listings and great artwork etc. Alternatively you can look at options like zap2xml for getting xmltv listings etc.
Does zap2xml only work with PsuedoTV Live?
I've no idea what 'PsuedoTV Live' is. zap2xml works with NextPVR though.
Zap2It is pretty much all you need, esp if you want something free.

Have a read here:


The one thing I will add, not covered in this article, is if you want the really GOOD version of the Zap2It listings, is to use the -D and -I options in zap2xml. Don't use -O anymore, I don't think you need to with newer versions of most modern PVR backends. These make the zap2xml scrape take longer, but it's worth it.

$ ./zap2xml.pl -u "your_username" -p "your_pass" -o /path/to/your/tv_grab_file.xmltv -d 13 -c /path/to/your/cache -i /path/to/your/icons -L -A -T -D -I

Make sure you read the official site's help: http://zap2xml.awardspace.info/

This example assumes 13 days of listings. You can do a little more, or fewer.

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PVR with better support for OTA EPG in USA0