Synology Video Station Kodi vs XBMC resume playback

Since two last years, I use synology video station and XBMC on my computer to stream movies and tv series.
All work perfectly

This week I tried to install KODI at least XBMC and all work BUT video don't resume where I stoped last time
On XBMC it work but not on KODI

Someone could help me because XBMC won't read x265 codec ?

Thank you
Someone have an idea ?

I put the logs from XBMC and KODI
Could you help me PLEASE ?

I have the latest KODI version installed on Windows 8.1 PC

[Edit] XBMC

[Edit] Kodi

[Please don't post logs in the forum] use a public pastebin PatK
You'll need Jarvis or better to view h265

-failed to get Video Device and Context-

You might need to look at your driver software, and try software rendering.

I already have Jarvis version and la can read h265 video this is not the problem

The problem is KODI won't resume the movies when I stream it from my Synology server
This is why I post the log file between KODI and XBMC because XBMC can resume movies but XBMC can't read h265 movies Wink
I get the point, Kodi should be setting a resume point flag. I doubt it has anything to do with x265 codecs, more inclined to believe some not ready part of your NAS hadshaking, when it needs to set the flag. I'll regardless, most of the developers are looking at Krypton as a priority. Can you try a movie file 'local' and see if the flag is set (try both 264 and 265) at least we'll have an idea where to look. BTW: your log files don't tell a lot unless you turn on debugging in settings, it imparts a heck of a lot more information than even you could read. The comparison is not needed, the differences in iterations is so large.
Hahaha I have VERY weird situation
I don't change anything on configuration and now, all work


I'm so happy but I don't know why now it work
I'll check it in detail soon and I'll try to find what is the REAL problem

I don't reboot, don't change configuration, don't upgrade KODI or my Synology
So, I'll reply soon

Thank you
np, suspect it's the NAS and your hd's spinning up/down time outs. But if you pinpoint it... let's have the [solve].

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Synology Video Station Kodi vs XBMC resume playback0